Janice was hot, blunt, intelligent, and dressed like she shopped on Fifth Avenue. What man wouldn’t want her?
“I don’t fuck co-workers,” Janice stabbed an olive and munched vigorously. “And I don’t fuck bosses.”
“Is that the voice of experience talking?” Carmen asked.
Janice gave her a deadpan look and sipped without answering. So Janice fucked a boss in the past. Interesting. Alice shifted restlessly in her seat, looking anywhere but at either of them. Poor girl had no idea what she was getting into when she started working at Pyre Casinos.
“Ladies.” A server set down three cosmopolitans. “Compliments from the men at that table.”
The server nodded to three men dressed conservatively in button-up shirts and sports jackets. They appeared to be in their forties, and she pegged them as businessmen on a work trip at a glance.
“Maybe my night’s looking up, after all,” Janice said and raised her glass to salute the men. “One’s a moose, but the other two aren’t bad.”
“Moose?” Carmen and Alice echoed in unison.
Janice frowned at them. “Moose, a cosmetically challenged man.”
Carmen slammed her hand on the table, rattling their glasses and making a commotion, but she didn’t care. She threw back her head and laughed uproariously. She laughed until her belly hurt and her eyes were wet, this time with happy tears.
“Oh, man, I needed that,” she wheezed when she could speak.
“Anytime,” Janice said, all business now. “So who gets the moose?”
Carmen hid her face behind Alice’s back and snickered as their food was served.
“Why don’t you take him, Carmen? Take one for the team?”
“Fuck, no,” she said as she straightened. “I’m not fucking a moose. I don’t care how much you pay me.”
The male server dropped the plate a little too hard on the table. Alice let out a nervous laugh and flapped her hands at them urgently, but they ignored her.
“Usually the moose is better in bed since he has to be. He can’t be ugly and bad in bed, you feel me?” Janice said.
“Why don’t you take him?” Carmen argued.
“I don’t need the guy to be good in bed. I’m good enough for the both of us, and I want something pretty to look at while I’m bringing it home, you know?”
“Makes sense,” Carmen said.
Janice looked at the server who was frozen in place. “Can I help you?”
“Uh, no, ma’am,” he said smartly and gave them a little bow as he left.
“Carmen?” Janice prompted. “Moose?”
“Hell, no.”
Janice gave Alice a megawatt smile. “It’s your lucky day, honey.”
“I, uh, I have things to do,” Alice stammered and began to stuff her face.
It was obvious that Alice was planning to dine and dash to get away from them. Unluckily for her, the men made their way over before she finished her meal. Alice looked like a deer in the headlights. The men were tourists from Germany with great accents and not a clear reason for being in Las Vegas. Carmen added little to the conversation despite the men’s interest. She wasn’t tempted by polite, vanilla businessmen. Besides, watching Alice flounder was much more entertaining.
Carmen paid for the meal and hid her wince when Alice grasped her arm in a death grip. She gave the moose and his friend a polite brush-off as Janice disappeared with the best looking of the trio. Carmen silently wished her a happy fuck. She could feel the night coming to a close. She tried to bury her anxiety as she hooked her arm with Alice. She was wide-awake and ready for anything. The last thing she wanted was to go home to her empty bed and count the hours until daylight. The night was young, and she needed to do something to cure the restlessness thrumming through her body.
“Thanks for that,” Alice said and leaned into her.
“I guess you’re still a virgin.”