The asshole she talked to on the phone was gone, and Mr. Smooth was back in place.
“Angel,” she acknowledged coolly.
Lyla glanced at them, and then her eyes got big. “Oh, my God.”
Gavin glared at Carmen. “No.”
“You keep saying that like it’s gonna make a difference,” she said.
Angel chuckled and pulled his ringing phone from his pocket. He glanced at the screen and held the phone up as he answered. “Hey, Luci.”
Angel turned the phone toward them, and Carmen saw an exotic woman staring back. She had a perfect oval face with an olive complexion, sea green eyes, and shiny brown hair. Jade chandelier earrings highlighted her good looks and instantly captured Carmen’s attention.
“Did you kill him?” the woman asked in a no-nonsense New York accent.
“Yes,” Gavin answered.
“How’d you do it?” Luci asked brusquely.
Gavin clasped his hands behind his back and reported, “Lyla stabbed him in the back and tried to dismember him using a shield. I ran him through with eight swords, and then he was beheaded.”
The woman gave Gavin a Miss America smile and then bounced excitedly. “So it’s done. Can I come?”
“Not yet, princess,” Angel said before Gavin could answer.
Sea green eyes narrowed dangerously. “Why not? That fucker’s dead, so what’s the problem?”
Carmen grinned. Whoever this woman was, she wasn’t intimidated by Gavin or Angel and had spunk. Luci was her new best friend; she just didn’t know it yet.
“We’re transitioning. It isn’t safe yet,” Angel said.
Luci glared. “Gavin?”
“Sorry, Luci, not yet.”
Gavin’s voice was noticeably gentler when he spoke to Luci, which piqued her interest even more. The only woman Gavin toned it down for was Lyla.
The woman waved her hands imperiously. “I don’t want to talk to either of you. Where’s your wife and baby?”
Angel angled the phone toward her and Lyla. Luci squealed, and Angel handed his phone to her.
“Oh, you two are gorgeous! Who’s who?” Luci asked.
“I’m Lyla,” Lyla said, looking a little bewildered.
“I’m Luci!” she exclaimed with a hand pressed against her chest. “I’m Angel’s sister.”
There was a Roman sister? She had no idea. No one had ever mentioned Luci.
“Oh, hi,” Lyla said with an awkward wave.
“Where’s the baby?” Luci asked.
“She’s asleep.”
Luci curled up in a fabulous white leather chair and rested her chin on her fist. “What does she like? How old is she? What does she need? I want to send a gift!”
Gavin and Angel drifted toward the office again while Lyla and Carmen settled on the couch.