Page 4 of Awakened by Sin

“No, I’m not,” she said flatly.

“Aw, girl, don’t be so cold,” he chided and flashed a smile that did nothing for her.

She patted his chest and gave him a patronizing smile. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you won’t be sleeping alone tonight. I can practically smell the hoes making their way to you right now.”

“And if they aren’t what I want?”

“That’s your tough shit,” she said and slapped his hands away.

“When you’re ready, Carmen, you know where to find me!” he called after her.

She didn’t acknowledge his statement. Men with money and power couldn’t stand being denied something they wanted. Of course, once they acquired that something, they lost interest. That’s how men of Carter’s caliber worked. She wasn’t interested in being someone’s plaything. If anything, she wanted to be the one pulling strings and calling the shots. She was a fucking millionaire. She didn’t have to dance to anyone’s tune, especially not a selfish asshole with an ego.

The crowd erupted into excited screams as the stage lights flared, revealing a popular band. She tried to absorb the excitement emanating from the crowd. Tonight was about living in the moment. Drinks, superficial talk, and a good time. That was what she came for.


She kissed both cheeks of Bridgette Mackee, an up-and-coming actress. “Bridgette, it’s been a long time!”

“It has! Where have you been?” Before Carmen could answer, Bridgette continued, “You know Gavin Pyre, right? Can you introduce me?”

Bridgette looked like a woman on a mission. Clearly, she was ready to take her career to the next level and was tired of her good girl image. Being seen with a notorious billionaire would give her the publicity boost she needed, but she chose the wrong target. Gavin was no one’s fool, and despite the fact that she opposed Lyla’s marriage, she wasn’t going to allow Bridgette to sabotage it.

“He’s married,” Carmen said, and when Bridgette shrugged that off, she added, “to my cousin.”

Bridgette blinked and drew back. “Oh.”

“Why don’t you try Carter?” Carmen suggested. She didn’t fault Bridgette for her plan. If she had to play up to a man for a couple of hours to skyrocket her career, why not?

Bridgette glanced at Carter who was getting a lap dance. “I hope she isn’t underage, or he’ll get more publicity than all of us.”

Carmen grinned and glanced around the VIP section. “How about The Punisher?”

Bridgette followed Carmen’s line of sight to the hot UFC fighter. “You know him?” Bridgette breathed.

“Yup. Let’s go.” She hooked her arm through Bridgette’s and made her way to The Punisher who stood when she approached. He gave her a peck on the cheek.

“Sorry about Vinny,” he said.

“Thank you.” She gave him a hug before she stepped back. “I want you to meet my friend, Bridgette. Bridgette, The Punisher.”

The Punisher gave Bridgette a quick, appreciative once-over and then took her hand. “Hey.”

“Hey,” Bridgette said and gave Carmen a look that saidI owe you.

Well, that was the point. She would let Bridgette’s career mature before she called on the starlet. Carmen excused herself and moved onto the next celebrity, a young politician who could be president one day. For now, he was being a good boy and hanging with his crowd—businessmen, lawyers and the like, but she sensed his restlessness. He made a subtle play for her while the look in his eyes was anything but. She would bet money he was a regular at an exclusive gentlemen’s club and had a discreet mistress.

She moved onto an old friend of Vinny’s, an eccentric film director named Phoenix. She enjoyed his crazy hand movements and overzealous explanation of his current “art.”

“The Pyre Foundation is doing some great things,” she said when he paused to take a breath. “Would you mind talking to some kids about your art?”

“Kids?” Phoenix repeated as if she was asking him to talk to hyenas.

“You say you want to inspire people. Why not the next generation? Long after you’re gone, they’ll be talking about how you prodded their muse and dedicated their movies to you, the great one.”

She could see that the idea appealed to him. She gained his tentative agreement and moved onto the next … and the next. Despite being on the road for over a year, her social skills hadn’t suffered. She could bullshit with the best of them—flattering, tugging strings, and slapping down those who deserved it. This was her area of expertise and why she excelled on Vinny’s arm.

At some point, she felt eyes on her. She glanced up and saw an attractive man watching her. He had the hot All-American thing going on. He had classic, pleasing features with dark hair, thick brows, and long lashes that framed big green eyes. He appeared to be in his early to mid-thirties. Everything was perfect from his styled hair to tailored slacks, black button up, and red silk tie. She had always been a sucker for a well-groomed gentleman.