Page 37 of Awakened by Sin

Mom reached out and grasped her hand. “Are you really okay?”

“I will be.”

Mom pulled up a seat, and she told her everything. When she finished, her mother’s hands were over her mouth.

“Oh, poor Beatrice …” she whispered. “I have to go see her.”

“I’m sure Lyla will go down there today even though she’s exhausted. You should call her.”

“Yes, I will.” Mom ran her hands over Carmen as if to reassure herself that her daughter was whole. “You don’t seem as upset as I thought you would be.”

“That fucker’s dead. I’m ready to move on.” She straightened and said, “What do you think about me with red hair?”

Her mother didn’t miss a beat. “What shade?”

“I can do cherry, burgundy, or an in-between shade.”

“You always look great no matter what.”

She pulled her phone from her pocket. “I wonder if Shonda can fit me in today at the salon.”

“You’re going to the salon after everything you just told me?” Mom asked.

“Yes, I have to start right now.”

“Start what?”

“Living. And changing my hair is the first step. Everything will fall into place after that.” She dialed and paced around the kitchen. “Hey, Shonda, it’s Carmen. I know it’s been forever. Can you fit me in? You’re the best! Wait, hold on.” She put her hand over the phone and asked Mom, “You want to come with me?”

“No, you go ahead.”

“Yeah, Shonda. Just me. I’m on my way.” She hung up and kissed Mom’s cheek. “I love you.”

“Love you too. You be safe.”


Carmen snatched her purse and rushed out to the garage. She fired up the engine and dashed across town. She wasn’t sure why changing her hair was so important to her, but it was. Her appearance was a reflection of how she felt, and the black hair had to go. Red was a power color, a defiant color that showed a zeal for life. On impulse, she swung into a Dunkin’ Donuts drive-through, and when she walked into the salon, she balanced two boxes of donuts on one hand while she pushed her sunglasses up on her head with the other.

“Bitch!” Shonda shouted and opened her arms wide.

Carmen tossed the donuts on the counter and threw herself at Shonda who wrapped her in a bone-crushing hug before she pulled back and held Carmen at arm’s length to examine her from head to toe. She suddenly gasped and slapped her chest as if she was putting out a fire.

“You took out your implants?” Shonda shouted.

The hairdressers left their clients to gather around and pat her chest as if they couldn’t see with their eyes that her chest was smaller.

“I’m going au naturel,” she announced proudly to the salon at large.


The question came not only from the salon staff but also several clients.

“Back pain,” she said.

“No pain, no gain,” Shonda said and got several grunts of agreement from the onlookers.

“My clothes didn’t fit right, and I can get a man without water balloons on my chest,” Carmen said.