She smoothed Lyla’s hair. “What do you mean?” She wasn’t about to tell Lyla she fucked Marcus while Lyla battled for her life in Hell.
“You’re excited about something.”
“I can finally let him go. I want to try to find some kind of normal.”
“Some kind of normal,” Lyla repeated and nodded. “Sounds about right. Thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”
“What’s family for?”
“So you’re leaving?” At Carmen’s nod, she said, “Tell Aunt Isabel that Mom woke up.”
“Will do. I’ll be in touch, babe.”
She gave Lyla another hug before she went to the guest bedroom and crammed as much of her shit as she could in a bag. She would come back for the rest later. The need to see Vinny was riding her hard. It was the last step to complete before she started over. It wouldn’t be official until she told him Vega was dead.
She headed downstairs with her overnight bag slung over her shoulder. Blade and two guards stood in the foyer, conversing in low tones. Blade caught sight of her and jerked his head at the men, who immediately exited. Blade had been Gavin’s shadow for as long as she could remember. His position in the household blurred since he became Lyla’s bodyguard and Nora’s godfather. When Lyla went rogue and stole a car, she saw a break in Blade’s stoic demeanor. He went ballistic, revealing that Lyla’s welfare was more than just a job to him.
“You’re alive!” she chirped.
Blade didn’t crack a smile. His stony face was even more imposing than normal since he sported an angry gash on his cheek. He normally dressed in a suit to conceal the fact he was always armed, but today, he wore jeans and a tee with the double shoulder holster on full display. It looked damn good on him.
Blade took the overnight bag from her. She thought this was an unusually solicitous gesture on his part until he dropped her bag on the ground.
She shoved him. “What the hell, Blade? I have expensive shit in there!”
“You can buy more,” he said heartlessly. “Why’d you try to shoot Marcus?”
Damn tattletale security. “Because I thought he might be in with Vega.”
Blade blinked. “Marcus?” His incredulous tone made it clear he thought the suggestion was ludicrous.
“Why couldn’t he side with Vega?”
“Because he wouldn’t.”
Blade was naturally suspicious, yet he didn’t hesitate to vouch for Marcus. “Why?”
He gave her a hard look. “Ask Gavin.”
“That’s your answer for everything,” she grumbled. “You’re so dramatic. Did you sleep at all?” Knowing Blade, he hadn’t slept since they returned from Hell. She grasped the edge of his shirt and lifted to see if he had wounds like Gavin and Angel. “Did you get whipped too?”
Blade knocked her hand away, but not before she got a glimpse of his carved abs. It wasn’t the first time she saw his body. She’d gotten glimpses when they worked out in the past, but this was the first time she was interested in a more thorough examination. “Come on, Blade. Don’t be such a baby.”
He bared his teeth. “I’m fine.”
She ignored his warning and gripped his chin. “Did someone clean this? You don’t want another scar.” Her eyes flicked up to the thin cut on his eyebrow.
“What do I care about scars?” He grabbed her wrist and yanked it off his face. “Why are you touching me?”
“I’m checking you out.”
“Because all of you are too stupid and macho to get your injuries checked out. Gavin and Angel have whip lashes on their bodies and who knows what else? What about you?”
“I don’t have any lashes.”
“How did you get that cut on your face?”