Page 170 of Awakened by Sin

“Old habits die hard,” she said and tried to play off her blunder. Her phone chimed, and she clenched her teeth.

“Are you gonna check if that’s him?”


“Does he buy you gifts?”

“No. Why would he? We’re just friends … and I have my own money.”

“Of course, you do, but that’s not the point, right?”

“I need something sweet,” she said and steered Lyla into an ice-cream parlor.

Mickey and another guard accepted her offer to buy them ice cream while the others turned her down with poorly concealed impatience. She ignored them and licked an ice-cream cone overflowing with chocolate, sprinkles, and bits of brownie.

They parted ways shortly after. It wasn’t until Mickey was driving her home to get ready for the party that she glanced at her messages. Marcus responded,You look beautiful.She tossed the phone in her purse and stared out the window. Marcus wasn’t Vinny. She knew that, though, there were definitely similarities between the two men. They were both reserved, easygoing, affectionate. On the surface, Vinny appeared confident, but that was a carefully preserved image he worked hard to maintain. With Marcus, she couldn’t discern any weakness. He showed no signs of fatigue, frustration, anger. She was drawn to his strength and steadfast calm. No matter her mood, he never missed a beat. If she wanted to be in control, he was happy to give up the reins. If she wanted to be dominated, he was happy to oblige. He countered everything she did with an ease that stunned her. No man had ever been able to keep up with her. Vinny didn’t even try. He just allowed her to be herself; he never tried to match her like Marcus. Some nights, he came home only long enough to sleep for a few hours before he was off to work again. He was up for whatever she offered and never turned her down. He was an enigma.

It didn’t take long to get ready for the impromptu dinner. She slipped on a slinky sapphire gown with a high slit and silver sling-back heels. Chandelier earrings completed her look along with a cat eye and a soft rose lip. Mickey eyed her appreciatively as she climbed in the back seat.

When she arrived at the Pyre fortress, it was business as usual with milling guards everywhere. When Mickey helped her out of the car, she felt the eyes of every man on her. She sashayed into the house and heard a, “Damn,” in her wake, which gave her an extra spring in her step.

The smell of cooking meat and tangy sauces assailed her nose as she walked through the house. Workers prepared amazing dishes in the kitchen. A long table was set with candles and bouquets of peach-colored roses beside the pool. Mom, Lyla, and Maddie chatted off to the side while Marv, Gavin, Blade, and Angel conversed. Honey and Beau sat near the waterfall, playing contentedly with a mountain of doggy toys.

Marcus wasn’t there. She ignored her disappointment. She’d invited him earlier, but he didn’t confirm that he would make it. He must be really busy. As she approached the women, she felt Angel’s eyes on her. She hadn’t seen him since he finger fucked that woman in Lux. She hadn’t expected him to be here, but it shouldn’t surprise her that Gavin invited him.

“Hi!” She hugged Mom and Maddie, who were both dressed up. “The food smells amazing!”

“Yes, they’ll start serving any minute now,” Lyla said.

“You met Gavin?” she asked Maddie as she slid an arm around her waist.

She felt as if she’d known Maddie all her life. Maddie was smart, practical, and ecstatic to have her and mom in the family. She might have lost Dad and Vinny, but she now had the Armstrongs. Seeing them here tonight with the Pyres felt right. Marv didn’t have the hard edge that her father had, but he had the same heart.

“I met Gavin,” Maddie said quietly.

“Did you tell him you want to intern there?”

Maddie paled. “No!”

“Let me—” When she would have walked away, Maddie grasped her arm.

“I already talked to Marcus about it. You don’t have to ask him,” Maddie hissed.

Apparently, Maddie wasn’t comfortable with Gavin. No surprise. “Okay, Marcus will take care of it.”

“Dinner’s ready!” the chef called.

The men sat on one end of the table and the women on the other. The mood was lighthearted, the food was amazing, and the conversation was varied and interesting. Nora was passed from person to person. When Carmen got her turn, she balanced her goddaughter on her lap as Nora jumped and tried to grab everything, including her earrings. She held Nora at arm’s length. Nora Pyre would be a terror. She was a fearless hellion who was putting Lyla through the wringer. Nora hated having bows in her hair, so her black locks flowed wild and free around her face. Her silver blue eyes were piercing and filled with zeal. Carmen snuck a kiss and jerked back before Nora could grab a handful of hair. She laughed when Nora glared at her. Vinny would have doted on her. Vinny loved kids, and for a few months, he bothered her daily about having their own, but eventually bowed to her wishes to wait. If they had a child together, she would still have a piece of him. She shook herself and passed Nora to Blade, her favorite person. Blade took the baby and gave Nora a blank stare. This didn’t deter the baby in the least. Nora grinned at him and smacked his broad chest.

Long after they finished eating, everyone stayed seated under the blanket of stars. Carmen sipped wine and rested her cheek on her mom’s shoulder and hugged her tight. After all she’d lost, moments like this had so much more impact. She silently willed everyone to stay put, to prolong the moment. She kept looking at the door, expecting Marcus to arrive, but he didn’t. Mom, Marv, and Maddie were the first to call it a night. She hid her disappointment even though it was late and they had a great time. She hugged and kissed them goodbye.

“Where’s Marcus?” she asked Gavin as he took a sleeping Nora from her.

“Working,” he said shortly.

“I know, but on what?”

He gave her a long look. “You two are still fucking around?”