Page 132 of Awakened by Sin

“Yeah, I’m over it,” she said as she navigated the freeway and stroked the quivering pit bull on her passenger seat. “I wouldn’t say I’m a target, technically. Angel did the head shot, and besides, I have two guards. Don’t worry about me.”

“Carmen.” Lyla sounded as if she were trying to stay calm. “I need you to be safe.”

“I am!” she insisted as she blared her horn and flipped the bird at an old woman who shouldn’t be on the freeway. “I found a place!”

“You did?”

“Yes. My shit that was in storage is being delivered today, and I got a dog.”

“You got a dog,” Lyla repeated flatly.

“Yeah, she’s shaking like a leaf, though. They were gonna put her down, but it isn’t her fault that she’s had a shit life. I’m going to make her a princess.”

“Okay … where’s your new place?”

“The Gillian Estates.”

“Never heard of it.”

“Yes, it’s pretty new, and it’s on the other side of town from you, but you gotta see this house. It’s perfect for me.”

“Well, I’m happy for you.” Lyla sounded much more relaxed. “You’re getting settled in. That’s good.”

“Yes. How are you?”

“Worried sick about you, bitch.”

Carmen laughed. “I’m fine.”

She woke up with a ton of energy. No tears this morning. No hard, cold weight in her gut. Three orgasms worked wonders on her state of mind. Despite the fact it was Sunday, she started making calls. At times like these, she liked being rich because it produced results. She called the dog shelter to tell them she would be picking up the pit, a call to a moving company to go to the storage facility to pack up her shit, a call to a couple of personal assistants who were in her employ years ago who would help, and her relator to tell her to see if another house was available in this area.

Marcus was true to his word. This morning, a duffel of her clothes was on the front step. She blew a kiss to Mickey as she hauled it in and got ready for the day. Her first stop was the dog shelter. It seemed the poor pit was worse today than she was yesterday. When they tried to move the dog, she peed herself. Carmen volunteered to bathe the dog and murmured sweet nothings to her as she ran her hands over the terrified dog, but nothing soothed her. When Frederick picked up the dog to put her on the passenger seat of the Aston, the dog let out a heart-wrenching cry that ripped at her heart. She tried to reassure the pit that she was safe now. Whatever happened in the past was done, and there was only good in her future, but of course, the pit ignored her. She decided to call her Honey because her life would be sweet from now on. She and Mickey did a quick run into Petco for doggy supplies while Frederick kept an eye on Honey, and now they were on their way back to the house. Hopefully, they’d beat the movers there so she could direct everyone.

“When Gavin heard Angel got shot, he was furious,” Lyla said quietly.

“I bet.” Another cousin of his trying to claim his crown, getting gunned down within a matter of days.

“You were there? You saw it happen?”

The ball of sunshine in her chest began to dim. “Yes.”

“Three times in the chest,” Lyla said and paused. “You okay?”

Thanks to Marv, Mom, Maddie, and Marcus … “Yes.”

“I’m glad. Gavin’s been going to work, which is good. I need some breathing room.”

“You’re doing okay?” she asked belatedly.

“I have my moments, but Nora yanks me out of it pretty quick. She’s getting more active every day, and Blade’s training me again, so I’ve been keeping busy.”

“Good. What about your mom?”

“Same. Still doesn’t want to see me, still recovering. I decided to wait until she’s ready to be released instead of hanging around the hospital, making Gavin crazy.”

“Good idea. I’ll come over soon, or you can visit me once I get settled.”

“Okay, good. I love you.”