Page 139 of Awakened by Sin

“Corrupt you,” she said around a yawn.

“Already done.”

“I’m gonna make you get hard every time I say Daddy.” She paused and then shook her head. “Wait, I can’t call you Daddy. That’s Blade’s name.”

Marcus stiffened beneath her.“What?”

She raised her head, which felt as if it weighed fifty pounds to investigate his incredulous expression. “It’s a nickname.”


“Because he doesn’t want to be one.” Marcus relaxed, and she tucked her face under his chin. “You’re getting possessive.”

“We’re nowhere near done.”

“And when we are?”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Then we’ll still be friends.”

“How can you be sure?”

“Because we understand one another. Neither of us is looking for a relationship and both of us need this.”

She couldn’t argue that point.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, and we’ll make it through.”


“Yes. Now, go to sleep.”

She didn’t need telling twice.


“Come on,Honey. You’re safe here. You wanna go for a walk? Toss a ball? Cuddle on the couch?”

Carmen lay on the floor two feet away from Honey, who was still curled into a ball. Her ears flicked back and forth, but otherwise, she didn’t move. It had been five days with no improvement. She felt so fucking helpless and was at her wit’s end. She tried to tempt Honey with food, toys, and words, but nothing worked. She even slept on the sofa a couple of nights to see if proximity would work. It did nothing.

She sighed and got to her feet. She opened the front door and waved at Mickey and Frederick. Mickey got out of the car and came toward her.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Can you carry Honey? I want to go to Lyla’s house.”

Mickey winced. “I’ll ask Frederick to do it.”

She was due for a visit, and she was hoping Lyla had some doggy advice for her. Honey let out a howl and began to whimper as Frederick picked her up. Carmen tried to comfort her as Frederick deposited the trembling dog into the passenger seat of the Aston. She turned off the radio and backed out of the driveway with Frederick and Mickey following in their SUV.

Aside from Honey’s lack of progress, it had been a satisfying week. With help from her assistants, the movers, and a professional decorator, she had been able to transform Marcus’s house into a real home. Everything was in its place, and she couldn’t be happier. Her belongings that didn’t fit in the house would be auctioned off with all proceeds donated to the Pyre Foundation. Alice had been ecstatic and then alarmed when she found out how much some of the paintings were worth. She reluctantly accepted them when Carmen said they would be locked up in a container somewhere.

Marcus hadn’t visited her since their late-night encounter, but he called almost every day. Their conversations were quick and casual. There was no weirdness between them, and she really began to believe this could work although she caught the skeptical look her assistants exchanged when she explained their arrangement.

She pulled through the gates of the Pyre estate. She put the car in park and was about to open her door when Beau dashed around the corner of the mansion, barking madly. She hastily got out of the car and put her hands up to shush him. She glanced in the car to see how Honey was handling this and was stunned to see her standing on the seat with her ears perked up. Beau jumped onto the driver’s seat, sniffed Honey, and gave an excited bark before he jumped out again. Honey didn’t move, so Beau jumped back in. He lunged playfully at her before he dashed out again, and this time, Honey followed. She stood in the middle of the drive as Beau ran circles around her and then took off around the house. Honey hesitated only a few seconds before she followed. Carmen stared after them, mouth open.What the hell?

She walked into the house with Frederick and Mickey on her heels. She peeked in the kitchen and saw that the door that led into the backyard was open. Beau and Honey ran across the yard, barking and leaping on each other. Blade had his gun out and was standing protectively in front of Lyla who was carrying Nora.

“It’s okay, she’s with me,” Carmen said as she walked outside to join them.