I sat up at his name, but Cyrus had changed the channel.
“What did you do to him, Cyrus?” I asked as I turned to face him. “I thought we had a strict plan so you wouldn't get caught.”
He stared at me for a moment as if to see how much to tell me. I narrowed my eyes at him because this wasn't something I would remain passive over.
“I got rid of him, and I would do it again,” he said with a stubborn scowl.
“And what will I do if you end up on death row?”
“Virginia doesn't have the death penalty.”
“You know damn well that you have offed people in other states where theydo havethe death penalty,” I said, getting upset.
“Baby, I have been doing this for almost twenty years,” he said softly while curling his fingers around my waist.
I sighed and put my head on his chest because I knew how young he was when he first killed his father.
“We should move to England. They don't have capital punishment,” I whispered as I thought of losing him when I only just found him.
When he remained silent, I glanced up at him to find a thoughtful look on his face.
Was he actually considering it?
I felt a wave of excitement rush through me.
“Other than my business, I have nothing tying me here,” he eventually said. “I could set up some labs and an office in England.”
“Oh, this is huge. Yes! I would love that,” I cried out. “We could wait until you sort the business side out and I've completed my work. I love you, Cyrus Wicke!”
I gasped in horror before I slapped my hand over my mouth.
TMI. Abort. Abort. Fucking Abort.
Chapter 24
It felt like being struck by lightning or a surge of electricity that coursed through my veins, leaving me stunned. Emilia looked just as shocked, and she suddenly pushed my chest so hard that she fell off the couch, taking the blanket with her. I peered over the edge of the couch, and her ass was sticking up in the air as she wrestled with the blanket, only for her hand to slip. Her face was about to hit the wooden floor, but I managed to grab her T-shirt just in the nick of time. I shook myself out of my stupor and hauled her back onto the couch.
I shifted onto my back and lay her on top of me, but she let out a long groan and buried her face in my chest. Her long locks of hair covered her face. Someone somewhere must love me to have sent me an angel. Albeit a twisted dark angel, but an angel nonetheless.
“I’ve been a cold-hearted, brutal monster for too long. I don't know how to love,” I whispered, stroking my fingers through her hair. “The only person I ever loved was my little sister, but perhaps she sent you to me because she knew I needed you in my life.”
Her head slowly came up, and I swallowed hard when I saw the sorrow on her face. I didn't see pity in her dark eyes, only understanding. She knew my pain, and she somehow felt it for me because she—loved me. It made me wish that I was an ordinary man who could love and cherish her the way she deserved, but I was too selfish to let her go.
“Cyrus, I have enough love in my heart for both of us,” she whispered so softly that I barely heard her.
Tears pooled in her wide, soulful eyes, and her lips trembled but rested her hands on my cheeks as her tears tipped over onto her cheeks. She moved up my body, and I put my arms around her back. I felt a feather-like kiss on my forehead before she stroked my hair back and kissed my cheek.
A tear drop fell on my face, and I closed my eyes so she wouldn't see the tumultuous emotions brewing in my eyes. I tightened my arms around her so I could hold her close. She burrowed her face into the crook of my neck and pressed her lips against me to kiss me again. A weight that I didn't know I carried lifted off my chest. I breathed in the scent of Emilia’s hair as her slight body rested on mine, and I felt my heart beating against her. I knew wherever she was, that was where my home was.
For the first time in my life, I told another living person every detail of what took place in my family. I shared my happiest memories of my sister, and in speaking about Ruby, I could remember her before the dark shadows began to appear in her eyes, before she became withdrawn, and before my failure to save her. My angel silently listened to me, all the while soothing me with her presence.
She told me about her younger siblings, her parents and her grandparents. She recounted how living with her grandparents shaped her into who she was today. There was a little hesitance, but I put it down to her wanting to spare my feelings because my family life had been so dismal by comparison.
When she began to yawn, I carried her upstairs. I lay awake for hours, considering all my options for my business as well as a few targets I wanted to deal with before I left the country. When I began to tire, I pulled Emilia against me and within a few moments, I fell asleep with the faint awareness of our hearts beating together.