I was about to correct her when Cyrus snapped upright.

“Yes, I will be sure to let you know when we get married, but it will likely be a private event,” he said with a broad smile while I looked from one to the other, wondering what the fuck was going on.

Jennifer practically squealed and dug her fingers into my wrist.

“Of course, I know you are a private person. Oh, my. Can I tell my daughter?” she pleaded.

Cyrus chuckled before nodding his head. He didn't hug or kiss Jennifer, simply lifted his hand. I embraced Jennifer, who was in her sixties. She was obviously fond of Cyrus, but I think it was due to his donations. She sure had a vibrant but warm personality.

“You lucky girl,” she whispered in my ear before giggling like a teenager. “Keep me posted,” she said in a louder voice.

“We will,” Cyrus said as he took my hand.

I almost stopped in my tracks when I remembered how my Grandmother had railroaded my Grandfather into marriage. She had the best stories about everyone in our family. She had plenty to do with my parent's marriage. I would need to give her a call at some point to get her perspective on my current situation.

I nudged Cyrus as we waited for the valet to bring his car around.

“Really? Marriage? I’m only twenty-one,” I said as I glanced up at him.

“Eh, spousal privilege, you won't have to testify against me,” he said, looking down at me, but his eyes wandered to my breasts since they stood upright like a spare table due to the corset.

But my boobs had never looked better. Corsets were the way to go if you only wore them for a few hours. I calmed down because he was obviously joking about marriage.

“I think it’s best we wait until we get married before we consummate our—er union,” I said with wide eyes and a straight face.

His eyes flashed to mine, and he was not amused.

“Unless you can’t get a marriage license and a priest in the next hour, I’m afraid you're fucked tonight, married or unmarried,” he said as his right eye began to twitch.

“Relax, I was joking,” I said as I held my hands up in surrender.

His eyes remained on me until the valet came with his car. He had a calculated look on his face, and I was certain he was scheming something. I wanted to take his mask off so I could read his eyes properly, but he must have liked wearing it because he didn't take it off until we got into the car.

By the time we got onto the highway, I remembered Kyle.

“Did you kill him?” I asked as I removed my mask.

“Who?” he asked with his eyes on the road.

“Kyle, he vanished around the same time as you did.”

“I was with you all night.”

“You left me for six minutes and thirteen seconds.”

He glanced over at me in surprise before a sly smile crept on his lips, and his eyes twinkled in the dark car.

“I suddenly know what it’s going to be like being married to you.”

Damn it! Why was he the only person who could get me this flustered?

“If it helps. I won't be any better,” he said with a chuckle.

“Great,” I mumbled under my breath.

I tried to relax, but I began to fidget as I thought about the deliciously nasty things that left his mouth earlier. He seemed so respectable until we were alone, and he opened his mouth. His hand reached for mine, but he lifted it and placed it on his dick. My jaw dropped for a second, but if he wanted to mess with me, he could try, but I was never one to back down.

Chapter 14