Page 93 of Obsession

She gives me a quick grin, ignoring my order. “Are you and him together?”

I already take enough shit from kids at school, and I certainly don’t need any conflict at work, but Diana’s insinuating question makes me uneasy, so I take a step toward her. “Listen, you and I are not close enough to talk about our private lives. Go back to work and stop asking useless questions.”

Her face flushes at my curt words, and I can tell that she wants to bite back, but she wisely holds her tongue.

I’m not usually very harsh with the staff because I’ve been in their position literally a few weeks ago, but I also cannot let them talk to me like this, especially Diana, who’s just started. When I hired her, I never expected her to have such a nosy personality, but lately, I’ve seen her poking her nose into matters that are not her concern.

I head to the kitchen to check the schedule and run into Billy. The uneasiness of my encounter with Diana is still lingering in the back of my head, so I ask him, “What do you think of the new hire?”


I shake my head, turning my attention toward the schedule board.


When Billy doesn’t say anything, I look over my shoulder at him. He’s wearing an annoyed expression on his face.

“I don’t like her. I don’t get a good vibe from her. She’s far too friendly for my liking, like she’s trying too hard.”

I don’t comment because I’ve been getting the same vibes.

“She asks a lot of questions as well,” Billy continues. “She’s very curious about you, your background, how you got promoted so quickly, and all of that.”

My lips purse. “Has anybody on staff been talking to her?”

I don’t quite like the look on Billy’s face, so I press the issue. “What is it?”

“Well, Dan works with me on the stove, and he’s cool with you. The male servers have no issue with you. I mean, you’re an upgrade from Steve, and you know all of our situations, and you’re cool about it. So if anyone’s going to talk a little smack about you to Diana, it would have to be the girls. They’ve been a little uptight lately.”

“Uptight?” I echo. “All of them?”

“Well, Allie and Mia have been the most vocal. Apparently, Sally was their friend, and when she was asked to leave, they blamed you.”

I recall the incident with Sally and the men at Table 21, which sparked this whole situation that I’m in now.

“I saved her ass,” I hiss. “And I warned her. What the hell are they blaming me for?”

Billy doesn’t meet my eyes. “You know how women can be. Apparently, you’re on good terms with the boss, and you also get along well with Gage. All the girls have a crush on the man. He’s not as friendly with them as he is with you.”

I gape at him, and Billy continues in a rushed manner. “Rumor around the Whiskey is that you slept with the boss to get your position and get Steve fired. Now they’re worried you’re going to sleep with Gage, too.”

“What?” I croak. The shock of the rumors hit me like a ton of bricks. “They think I did what?”

“Of course, I know that it’s just bullshit,” Billy hurriedly tries to reassure me. “You’re not the type of girl to do something so stupid.”

Well, he’s half right, I think to myself miserably.

The kitchen door opens, and a brunette in a waitress’s uniform enters. I meet Mia’s eyes, and she sneers in my direction before heading off to the back of the kitchen to take her break.

“How long has this been going on, Billy?” I ask, keeping my voice low.

“Ever since you became manager,” he replies. “But listen, kid, you can’t worry about shit like that. People will always talk about the people in charge. The talk will die down soon. Besides, the ladies will soon realize that Mr. Middleton isn’t the kind of dude to sleep with people like us.”


“Employees, I mean. Have you seen the kind of socialites he likes to be seen with? Google him. He’s been with some stunners.”

I unlock my phone and type in Hunter Middleton in the search bar. I haven’t done an enormous amount of Google research on him because I assumed I wouldn’t find much based on his underworld ties. I’ve never been more wrong. There are literally dozens of pages of online images of him and a variety of beauties in formal attire posing on the red carpet.