Page 49 of Obsession

I fend her off, watching her in amazement. “You really have zero self-preservation skills, don’t you?”

“I didn’t survive all these years,” she spits out, “by letting people take advantage of me, at least not for long.”

She’s struggling so fiercely that I have no choice but to let her go. I don’t want her to hurt herself. Her words are still ringing in my ears as she jumps to her feet, pushing me.

“I’ve had enough of this shit. Stop taking me shopping. Stop showing up at my school. Just stop. Either kill me or get out of my house! And by the way, I quit.”

Her last statement stops me dead in my tracks. “Excuse me?”

She bares her teeth at me, “I quit this job.”

“You need this job.”

“Notthatfucking much.”

Anger curls inside of me, and I take a step toward her. “We’ll see about that, Miss Taylor.”

Suddenly, I notice that she looks shaken, and her hands tremble. Fuck, I may have crossed a line today.

I could leave and give her some privacy.

That would be the smart thing to do.

But I can’t bring myself to leave her in this condition.

“Sit down,” I decide to calm her down first. “Let me finish bandaging you up.”

“No,” she shakes her vehemently. “I don’t want you in my home. Just get out.”

She’s trying to push me out, and I have to grab her by the upper arms, being careful not to hurt her. “Megan, I won’t do anything to hurt you. I’m only trying to help. You have my word.”

The tears in the corners of her eyes tighten something inside of me, and I curse myself for my recklessness. I know the brief moment between us on that couch was powerful, but she wasn’t ready for it. I should know better. She’s barely a damn adult.

“Look, I know you can do it yourself, but I just want to help.” She tries to shake her head, but I release her, gently guiding her to the couch. “Come on, you’ve been through a lot today.”

She doesn’t put up much of a fight this time, and I imagine it’s because of exhaustion. She looks tired. I work quietly and efficiently, trying to think past this sharp throbbing in my chest at the bruised look in her eyes.

A text on my cell phone goes off.

Vaughn: Seriously? I’m about to leave you here. Call your damn driver or take an Uber home.

He’s right.

I’ve been up here entirely too long.

Enough is enough.

I’ve got to leave this woman alone and screw my head back on straight.

Me: On my way

I can tell that Megan is paying attention to what I’m doing, yet she doesn’t meet my gaze as I press send on my text. I finish tending to her face and afterward toss the dirty alcohol swabs in a nearby trashcan. I’m pleased that the warm color of her umber flesh looks slightly better than it did.

There’s no reason for me to remain here now, so in keeping my word, I get up to leave, but her strained question gives me pause.

“Why are you doing this?”

Chapter 17