“I told you to stop coming back here, Diana,” she quickly reprimands the bartender as she strides forward, her gait a little slower than usual because of her stitches. She inserts herself between Diana and me, who is now wearing a curious expression on her face. “This area is off limits. This is the second time I’ve had to tell you.”
“Sorry,” Diana says, her voice a little hostile. “I got lost.“
“As you did last time.” Megan’s voice is cold. “Return to the bar. Now.”
My lips curl again.
And my dick approves.
Look at my little, badass, managerial Megan.
Jealous as fuck.
Chapter 43
What If Someone Walks In?
Iwatch the bartender leave, but not before she shoots me a look with a coy smile. Persistent little thing. It’s too bad she doesn’t understand that before Megan came into my life, I wouldn’t have ever entertained sleeping with an employee of the club. She’s lucky I’m in a good mood. I would have fired her on the spot if this were even six months ago.
“Bitch,” I hear Megan mumble softly under her breath, and my brows lift in utter delight.
“What was that?” I ask facetiously.
“Nothing,” she growls before turning to face me. “And what were you doing just standing there with her?”
I can’t seem to wipe the smirk off of my face.
“Listen, if you want to start looking around for someone new to play with.“ Megan’s slim, bandaged finger drills a hole in my chest.
I take her finger and lay it lightly against my chest as I stare intensely into her eyes. “I’m not looking to play with anybody but you, Miss Taylor.”
“Oh,” she mutters in a softer voice. “Okay, then.”
I can see the rapid confusion on her face at her own actions, and I wonder if she even realizes that she was acting out of jealousy. I doubt it. But I don’t need her to understand it right now. I’m just happy that she reacted at all.
That’s progress.
“Why were you here, though?” She looks at me strangely. “Your office is on the other end of the hallway.”
“I came to see you.”
“For what?” she asks warily, and her familiar, suspicious tone amuses me.
“Do I need a reason to visit my favorite Blue Whiskey employee?”
“Favorite, huh?” she repeats skeptically. “I guess since you’re the owner, you don’t really need a reason to be here at all, so come on in, Mr. Middleton.”
I tossed out anything that belonged to Steve and stripped down the office to the bare basics so Megan could make the space her own. So far, it’s sparsely decorated, although I can see that she’s hung up some random sketches and artwork on the walls.
“When are you going to order a new desk or something?”
“That’s a waste of money.”
“My money.”