Page 109 of Obsession

“Fine,” Christian snaps. “But the ice cream goes with me.”

He grabs his wallet off the counter and wanders out while Vaughn grabs his coat.

“You live downstairs on the seventh floor, right?” Vaughn asks.

I blink, confused by the timing of the question.


“And your roommate is home?”

“Yes, but–“

“Great, we’ll be there.”

Wait, what?

But they’re already gone before I can stop them.

I whirl around to face Hunter, demanding to know, “Are they seriously going to my apartment?”

“It seems so,” he replies casually.

“Don’t they have money to go somewhere else?”

“Absolutely, but they refuse to go home. Some people actually enjoy my company.”

“And some people smoke crack.”

“Funny.” Hunter chuckles and then fully opens his towel before adjusting its tightness around his waist. I reactively widen my eyes in admiration of this man’s package and can’t believe that giant monstrosity was ever inside of me.

He notices my response and flashes his teeth behind one of the most self-satisfied smiles I’ve ever seen.

“Now, tell me, Tweety Bird, what’s wrong with the diamonds?”

Chapter 39

We Could Have Been Killed


After casually asking me why I don’t want his extravagant gift, Hunter begins to walk away, so I trail after him.

“Why are you giving me diamonds? They’re expensive. Where am I going to wear them? On the bus?”

I realize that I’ve followed him to his dimly lit bedroom when he picks up a large towel from the bed and rubs his hair with it, watching me the entire time. “They’re for the art exhibition.”

“It’s far too extravagant of a gift.” It’s difficult to stand my ground when he looks so sinfully delicious. “I can’t accept them.”

I try to distract myself by looking around the bedroom, which looks like a luxurious hotel room rather than an average bedroom. There’s a slanted skylight right over the bed and since it’s just two hours to midnight, the moon is shining on his black bedsheets.

“You have a skylight in your bedroom?”

“Yeah, do you like them?”

“Everyone on the rooftop can see what you’re doing.”

“Everyone, like who? The rooftop is reserved for the inhabitant of the penthouse, which is me.”