Page 70 of Shane

"Look, man, I’m not saying you shouldn’t go for her. Just because I’ve never been in love doesn’t mean I don’t believe in it. We’re just saying don’t lose yourself in the process. You’re one of the best players on this team, and we need you here, focused.”

"I get that," I reply, nodding. "I’ve been distracted. I’m gonna fix it."

“Yeah, but,” Neo smirks. “You’re still headed out to meet her, aren’t you?”

“Um, yeah,” I admit with a grin.

“We get it.” Bass punches my shoulder lightly. “Baby fucking steps.”


It’s spring,and I’m home for my father’s 50th birthday party this weekend. Shane’s mother is throwing it for him. She doesn’t know anyone in our family or any of my father’s friends, but she wanted to do it anyway.

I think my aunt took pity on her and helped her with the planning. I’m not really sure. I just know that tomorrow night I’ll be sitting in a small hotel ballroom with a hundred other people toasting to my dad. I’m not looking forward to it because this will be the first time I have to publicly acknowledge alongside Shane that his mother is a part of our lives, but what could I do?

I’m sitting on my bed, surrounded by textbooks and notes, trying to focus on studying for my Applied Business Analysis midterm, but my mind keeps drifting. The soft hum of my laptop and the distant sounds of neighborhood birds outside my window are the only things breaking the silence. That is until I hear a soft knock on my door.

“Come in,” I call out, already knowing who it is. This is the first time since our parents started dating that Shane is actually staying over at my house for the weekend.

The door creaks open, and Shane steps in, a playful grin on his face. My stomach immediately does that flip-flop thing it always does whenever I see him.

“Hey, pretty girl,” he says, leaning against the doorframe. He notices the notes on my bed. “Are you actually studying or pretending to study?”

I roll my eyes but can’t help the smile that tugs at my lips. “Pretending.”

He walks over and flops on my bed, making himself comfortable among my scattered papers. “Mind if I join you? I promise not to be too much of a distraction. You know, since you’re not doing much anyway.”

“You’re always a distraction, Shane.”

He reaches for one of my textbooks, flipping through the pages with exaggerated interest. “Hmm, fascinating stuff.”

“Is it?” I deadpan.

“I love how you’re so old school with your studying,” he says, lifting up one of my notebooks. “Do you need an economics tutor?”

“It’s not economics,” I scoff, grabbing the notebook from his hands and setting it aside. “And I think I’m good, thanks.”

He gives me a mock pout. “Aw, come on. I’m sure I could teach you a thing or two.”

“Like what?” I challenge, raising an eyebrow.

“Like how to take a break,” he says, leaning in closer, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “You’ve been sitting up here trying to pretend tomorrow isn’t just a dress rehearsal for their wedding one day.”


“You need to relax.”

He grabs my wrist and uses his thumb to rub along one of the veins gently. He’s doing it to calm me down, but it has the opposite effect. I feel my pulse quicken as it sends a thrill through me.

“And I’m sure you have a million suggestions for doing just that.”

“You’ve been a grouch since we landed.”

“I should be in Nevada. I have exams to prepare for.”

“It’s a milestone birthday for your dad.”

“I know but–”