I’m so sick of everyone at this damn school.
“Go, number seventeen!”
“Why don’t you cheer for somebody else? He’s mine.”
“You can’t call dibs on him like that!”
“Can I have your babies, Neo?”
“Damn, he’s fine.”
“And doing all the work for the team, as usual.”
“I’ve got some work he can do right between these thighs.”
“Um, excuse me,” I interrupt the two twits. “But you two just hit my friend on the head.” But before either of them can respond, a deafening roar erupts from the crowd, and two of the players crash into the tempered glass right in front of us, partially shattering it.
“Holy hell!” I exclaim.
Violet leans over to cover me but my eyes widen when I notice there’s a small shard of glass in her chin and now blood.
“Give us a minute to check on everyone, Sun Nation,” the announcer says. “In the meantime, the refreshment stands are open, and DJ Kris is going to spin some tunes for your holiday enjoyment.”
Shane climbs over into the stands towards us immediately.
“Are you okay?” he asks us both, as if he actually gives a shit about me.
“I’m fine, thanks,” Violet mutters.
Shane and I share a loaded silence. It’s been forever since we’ve had any sort of meaningful interaction, yet I still can’t stop thinking about spreading my legs for him. I try shaking the thought out of my head.
“Kennedy,” he greets me, giving me some perfunctory head nod of acknowledgment.
I don’t say a word, which only makes his dumb ass grin even harder behind his clear face shield.
“It’s nice to see you too,” he says in response to my silence.
I defiantly place a hand on my hips, staring daggers at him.
He emits a brief chuckle before turning his attention to Violet. “So, um, were you reading a book just now?”
Every student in our section of the stands is now focused on the verbal exchange between us. I can’t believe he’s going to flirt with my new roommate publicly, right in front of my face.
I can’t stand him.
Then Neo skates over. “Can we move this along, Shane?” he demands in his typical dominant fashion. “We’ve got a game to win once they clean this up.”
“Just checking on the bookworm here,” Shane replies with a shit-eating grin, glancing towards Violet.
“It’s tempered glass,” Neo says flatly. “She’s fine.”
“Uh, no, she’s not fine,” I say, handing her a clean tissue from my purse. “Here, your chin is bleeding.”
“Yeah, man, she definitely took some glass to the face,” Shane defends her.
I’m annoyed.