“Whatever, Shane. What kind of drugs are these boosters on? I just saw a gigantic poster of you hanging up in the commons building. They’re throwing money at you all hand over fist.”
“Can you help me move those boxes over there inside without making me feel guilty about it?”
While we work on moving Shane’s things into the house, he makes it a point to introduce me to most of the team. The guys seem really friendly and act as if I’m an old friend which makes me feel a lot more comfortable about this task that Shane has dragged me into.
But I’m not the only girl here, and I have yet to figure out whether that’s a good or a bad thing. From what I can see, the other girls are clearly sleeping with some of the players, which makes me wonder if Shane’s teammates think I’m sleeping with him. It’s starting to give me hoe-like motorcycle clubhouse vibes.
“Who are they?” I ask Shane about two girls in particular who are giving the kitchen a deep clean in crop tops and bootie shorts.
“That’s Gia and Vikki,” he says rather dismissively, and my spidey senses go on high alert.
“Are they friends of yours?”
“They’re friends of the house.”
“You just got the house. How are they friends of the house?”
“Damn, I left something in the moving van. I’ll be right back.”
Not smooth at all.
After Shane leaves, I decide to introduce myself. I’m not at all interested in making friends with these interlopers, but I need to know who they are and why Shane just made a run for it.
“Hi, I’m Kennedy. I’m not sure we’ve met.”
“I’m Vikki, and this is Gia.”
Gia rakes her judgemental, beady little eyes up and down my body, and instantly, I know. She’s either fucked Shane already or she wants to.
“Nice to meet you,” she says dryly.
“Do you need any help with the kitchen?” I ask, knowing damn well I’m not going to do anything to help them. Shane already has me doing enough. But I just want to see their response.
“No, we’ve got it.”
I got the message loud and clear.
They’re territorial little bitches.
“Okay, thought I’d offer.”
Bass notices the three of us talking and approaches. “Hey, girls.”
“Hi, Bass.” Vikki’s eyes light up
“Where’s Shane?” Bass asks me, looking suspiciously nervous.
“Getting something from the van.”
“Oh, let me see if he needs a hand. It might be heavy. There he is!” He runs over to Shane, says something quickly under his breath, and then takes a large box from him and carries it upstairs.
Shane’s eyes find mine standing in the open kitchen, and he wastes no time walking over to us.
“Thank you for all your help, ladies,” he says to Gia and Vikki but Gia barely grunts back a response. “Kennedy, are you ready to help me unpack now?”
“Sure, let’s do it.”