Page 26 of Big Filthy Cowboy

Then he’s putting his mouth against mine, devouring me in a sensual kiss that has me blushing. He’s no purple alien, but this cowboy sure can kiss.

Chapter 14


We host our wedding reception in the town square. It only had minor damage from the storm that was quickly cleaned up earlier. Then some of the women in town decorated the square for our reception.

A few of the cowboys got out their grills, and the scent of hotdogs already fills the late summer air. The breeze ruffles through my hair, and I pull off my veil. I hand it to Dotty who’s holding my bouquet.

Noah and Lizzy are watching over Coco and Skip for us. They’ll drop our fur babies back at home later tonight after our reception is over.

Just as we step arm-in-arm into the town square, thunder cracks and the skies open. Rain drenches us, and I sputter out a laugh. “What is it about us and rain?”

Barrett quickly slides out of his jacket and holds it above my head to shelter me from the rain. I think he’ll spend his whole life doing that, sheltering me and protecting me. “It must be our thing.”

Before I can answer, Ernie is rushing over. He and Lorna own Ernie’s Diner down the street. He gestures behind himselfwith his thumb. “We’re thinking of moving this inside. That work for y’all?”

Lightning flashes, and I give a grateful nod. We follow him into the diner where Lorna has already started the grill. Our guests have gathered here, and there’s the soft, cheerful hum of community while the storm outside rages.

Waitresses pass out napkins and drinks while someone starts the jukebox. An old country love song plays, and Barrett smiles down at me. His wet hair is dripping in his eyes. He pushes it back and gazes at me with tenderness. “May I have this dance?”

I step into his arms and even though the restaurant is crowded with people, we still manage to sway together. His big hands are on my hips, and the way he’s looking at me fills me with desire.

He drops his head, his voice a quiet rumble in my ear, “I can’t wait to get you alone and taste you again.”

“I’m wet…” I blush when I realize what I’ve said and bury my face in his white dress shirt. It’s still crazy to think this man is my husband. I get to go have sex with my husband! “My clothes are wet. No one will question it if we slip out to change for a few minutes.”

“I want to rub my beard all over your sweet pussy and get it nice and soaked with your juices. Everyone will think it’s the rain, but you’ll know the truth. You’ll know it’s because I licked your pretty little cunt.”

I call his name with a soft moan. It’s taking all of my self-control not to grind against him right now. Everyone else sees the sweet moment of a cowboy and his wife dancing together for the first time. But he’s turning it into something filthy, and I love that.

His possessive hold on my hips and his dirty words are pushing me to the edge. “That’s right. That’s the name you’ll be calling when I’m between those sweet thighs of yours.”

The song ends, and I glare at him. “We have to go. Now.”

He smirks down at me before taking my hand. We thread our way through the crowd and back into the women’s bathroom. He does a quick stall check, making sure we’re alone before grabbing the mop and bucket to jam the door.

I hop onto the countertop and swing my legs. I never imagined all the places around town where we could have our own little secret rendezvous. Now I can’t stop thinking about that, secretly touching him in semi-public places.

He stalks across the tiled floor. “Do you know what it does to me to know you’re my wife?”

I glance at the growing bulge in his black dress pants and part my knees automatically. My breath is coming in little pants, and he hasn’t even touched me yet. “Show me.”

He gives a brief shake of his head that almost has me crying out in frustration. He cups himself through his slacks. “Take your clothes off. I need to see my girl completely naked.”

“There’s a zipper in back,” I tell him.

He reaches around me, letting his fingertips ghost across my back. He’s leaning over me, so close I can see every laugh line beside his eyes, every faint gray hair that’s just starting to mix into his beard, and every fleck of gray in his blue gaze.

“Out, now,” he commands, his voice gritty.

I let him undress me. I love the way he moves me like I’m his doll. When he sets me back down on the counter, I shiver in the cool air of the bathroom. My nipples are pebbled, and all of my curves are on display in front of him. He can see every silvery stretch mark and every bump of cellulite. But the look on his face is hot enough to burn down this whole diner. He’s clearly enthralled with what he sees.

He rubs his hands up and down my thighs. “You’re beautiful from every angle, wife.”

I blush when I realize he can see not just the front of me but my reflection in the mirror too. There’s nothing hidden from him. My body has no more secrets from my husband. “You promised me a good licking.”

“And I’ll make good on my word,” he reassures me as he cups my face.