Page 177 of Cook

This morning, though, she didn’t show up with the sun, and all I wanted to do was rip off the scrubs and ride out to find her.

A knock rattled the door, and I turned off the shitty soap opera.

Roni poked her head inside. “Can we come in?”

Only if she had Maddie. “We?”

My shoulders fell when she and Celt walked in. It was good to see my best friend too. He waited back as Roni came to my side, kissing me on the cheek and giving my hand a squeeze. I really had been close to death for everyone to be tiptoeing around me like this.

She grinned and looked over at her ol’ man. Celt wandered over, clapping his hand on my good shoulder, and I didn’t even grimace—much. Pain still sliced through me, though it turned quickly to a dull throb.

Better than yesterday.

“How ya doin’?” asked Celt.

“Good,” I said, purposefully not reaching for my tender side. “Better every day. Ready to go home.”

Roni knitted her eyebrows together. “You may not be in good enough shape yet.”

“Bullshit.” I didn’t want to spend any more time in a hospital, even if I had been transferred down to the Ridge. “I want to get the fuck out of here.”

She dragged her eyes down me, waiting for me to show any sign of pain with her best nurse’s appraisal. I put on a strong face, even when I wore scrubs and a ratty old T-shirt without anything fun on the front. And the fluffy hospital-safe socks made my feet sweat. No matter how many times I worked them off, either Kimmers or Roni would come and put them back on. It’s like they were connected to the fucking alarm system.

I wanted my jeans and cut back and to be on a motorcycle. Doc said I needed time to heal, but nothing—except Maddie—was a better balm than my motorcycle.

“How about you?” I asked, shoving the conversation back at Roni. “Are you making your position here official?”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. I put in my notice at the hospital in Phoenix, and I’ll be here full-time soon.”

“But your house isn’t done yet?” I said questioningly.

“Just getting started. We’re staying with Bou and Wilde,” said Celt.

I chuckled. “My place wasn’t good enough for you?”

“It’s cramped,” said Celt. “Only one bathroom with two women.”

Roni swatted him on the shoulder. “You’re the one who likes to take long showers.”

“Only with you.” He winked at her.

“Whatever,” she said, a blush pinking her cheeks.

“Everything has been going fine with Maddie?” I asked.

“Yeah,” said Celt nonchalantly, but Roni hesitated. I hated when she did that. Fuck, I was reading too much into it, but I couldn’t watch Maddie all the time. She needed someone when I wasn’t there.

“She’s good,” said Roni finally. “She’s getting better.”

I didn’t know what that meant, only knowing Maddie when she was with me. Maybe I should’ve called up Lanie and made sure she hunkered down at Maddie’s side until I got home tomorrow. I wantedthat from day one in the hospital, but I wanted to be the one with her.

“She’s really using the darkroom,” continued Roni. “She’s in there almost every night developing more pictures.”

“How’re your drawing skills?” I smirked up at my best friend.

“Like a child’s,” mumbled Celt, and Roni glared at him. “What? You know I’m not an art person.”

Roni rolled her eyes.