Page 57 of Cook

I bristled at his attitude. “She needs me to help her,” I gritted out. “All I need is for you to tell me how.”

“There’s a lot more to it than that, but I can show you.” He didn’tmove.

I, on the other hand, wanted to squirm in the chair. Fortunately, I couldn’t manage in the tiny seat.

“You can do this, Mr. Cook. As long as you don’t fight yourself.”

There wasn’t going to be a fight between me and myself, but I couldn’t guarantee this little dweeb’s safety if he didn’t start giving me straight answers.

I scooted my chair forward so I could lean my elbows onto the desk. “Just be real with me. No dancing around the goddamn topic.”

“This undertaking is as much about being comfortable with who you are as it is understanding your sub and their needs, Mr. Cook.”

“Quit calling me that.” I took a breath, hating the mister part of the address.

“Is it not your name?”

“There’s no mister,” I replied.

Mercer pursed his lips and nodded slowly. “When you understand yourself, you’ll be less likely to sip at people that way.”

“Fine, who exactly do you think I am?” I asked, keeping my tone stone cold as I pasted a smile on my face.

“A natural Dominant,” said Mercer.

I spread my hands, palms up. “And what gives you that impression?”

“Would you like the list in alphabetical order or order of most importance?”

My fingers curled as if craving the butt of my gun, but I managed to only drop them into my lap. “Whatever fucking order you please.”

“Well, now. Quick to anger means you need an outlet. The fact that you’re immediately on the defensive with me, another natural Dom, means there’s concern over territory. Then there’s the MC.”

“What about my brothers?” This asshole had no fucking clue. The MC meant friendship and brotherhood, nothing about this Dom-sub shit.

“The motorcycle club mostly makes their own laws, am I right? Who cares what authorities say, true?”

There, he had a point.

He continued, “I’m sure Ward spoke to you about wolves.”

“Yeah, and?”

“The same kind of alpha behavior radiates off you. I see it in your eyes. You are so dominant you try to fight against this because it goes against everything you know or think you know. And you’re hiding behind stupid pranks.” He spread his hands. “Like that shirt.”

I ground my teeth. “You. Don’t. Know. Me.” I loved my shirts and the rise they got out of people.

He quirked a corner of his lips, but his voice never wavered. “Your way or the highway, right? Ride or die? I’m familiar.”

“This was a mistake.” I pushed myself out of the little seat.

“The first step is to admit who you are.”

“I admit that I’ll do what it takes for Maddie to feel safe and secure,” I said.

“Only her?”

“Yes.” Only ever her.