Page 129 of Cook

Fear prickled the back of my eyes, but I refused to cry in front of him. I couldn’t give in now after all I had survived. Though, it allrushed back—the dark memories, the cages, the rapes, hits, and cuts. All of it.

Over the years, I’d hardened myself, learned not to show my fear. Now, that mask slipped over me, and I stood up in his grip. Encouraging my muscles to relax and let the safety I’d found with Cook slide away. The makeshift armor I had built around myself started to fall, the pieces Cook and I built crumbling.

The body, no longer mine, shook slightly in Massimo’s hold, and he laughed. “I suppose old habits never die.” He tilted his head and brought his mouth so close to mine. His breath smelled of licorice and made me want to gag. “Why would I let you go? I should drag you out into the public room, bend you over, and fuck you here.”

A lump choked my throat. “Rape,” I corrected him. Apparently, I wasn’t as numb as I tried to be.

“What?” asked Massimo, glaring down at me.

I kept my eyes fixed on a paisley swirl on the wallpaper behind me and let the words fly. “Rape me. You would rape me. Like yourboysraped me before.”

Though the words had venom, my voice didn’t. It sounded distant, like through a can at the opposite end of a string. A game I once played with my twin. Mel. Lanie.

What would she do in my shoes?

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t imagine how she’d react. She was, after all, a complete stranger.

He raised his hand like he was about to slap me, and I held utterly still. I wanted to flinch, but I’d disconnected from my body, leaving it still, stoic. The only way I knew to be safe.

Laughing again, Massimo dropped his hand to his side. “You talk a big game now, Maddie. You didn’t do that before.” He brushed his thumb down my forearm, reminding me how many men had touched me without my permission. “I remember your screams of pleasure from those thin rooms at Enigma.”

“Pain.” I wheezed. “Not pleasure.”

“Would you scream for my cock if I shoved it in your cunt now?”

Not a chance I would scream, even if you did rape me. You’d get off onmy screams, and I’m not giving you that much power over me.

He grabbed my chin. “Answer me.”

Not with my words. Never with my words. I nodded in his grasp—it’s what he wanted me to do. His smile grew.

He released my chin. “You should fly away like a little bird. Get the fuck out of here.”

I squinted at him. Was he really not going to rape me? Maybe he couldn’t manage. Maybe he was a limp-dicked bastard who could only use threats to control people. Not caring control like Daddy.

He barked a laugh that trembled his body and mine. “Go ahead, be free.”

He pulled out his wallet and flipped a business card at me. It fluttered to the floor.

“Main Street is two blocks down. You can get a cab.” He released my arm and stepped back.

Immediately, I pushed off the sink counter and threw myself toward the door, but he put a thick arm up to block my way.

“Don’t forget the card.” His eyes pointed toward the floor.

I crouched down and picked it up, reading:Massimo Parisi.

“Tell the cabbie to bill me for the ride and let your biker man know I took good care of you.”

He dropped his arm, and I stumbled forward, tripping over my own feet.

“Have a good night, Maddie!” Massimo’s amused voice called after me.

I ran out of the restroom, spiraling, falling into the darkness of the main room in the club.

While I’d been in the restroom, more people had entered the club. More than I could wrap my head around. Faces swam before me, laughing, talking, enjoying the scene.

Was there a party?