Page 122 of Cook

I held out my hand, and Maddie slid her hand into mine. Inside the club, the receptionist hanging out behind the desk greeted us. This time, they greeted us by asking if we needed anything to eat or drink. That had been a first, but perhaps it was dinnertime.

Bypassing the desk, I peeled back the velvet curtains and ushered Maddie inside.

Some people were already loitering or playing in the voyeurism rooms. Others gathered around the bar in the center, taking among eachother and drinking. A few Doms turned toward Maddie, intuitively recognizing her as a sub. I sneered at one, and he got the hint.

She was mine.

When I scanned the room, a woman who’d been sitting alone on the far wall stood. I let my attention roam back to Maddie, where it belonged. I wasn’t after another partner.

“You’re back already.” Mercer clapped his hands as he walked out of his office.

Immediately, Maddie shimmied behind me. She had been adamant about coming to Serenity, so it must be Sloan Mercer she didn’t like. Even I had to admit...hewasa slimy motherfucker.

“You have a look, Mr. Cook,” said Mercer, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Just Cook,” I growled.

“Sure. What is it?” asked Mercer with a creepy grin. “You don’t have a good poker face.”

Bullshit, but since I needed him, I didn’t call him out. “Can we talk in your office?”

Mercer swept his hand to the side before walking ahead, allowing us into his space. He sat behind his large desk, his polished leather chair creaking. He kicked his legs up onto the desk, leaning back like he had just been relaxing before we entered. He wiped something white from the corner of his mouth and tucked his hands under his desk.

If that was . . . ah, hell, I really didn’t want to know.

I took the chair facing him and guided Maddie to a kneeling position at my heel. “Eyes on me. Hands in your lap.”

“What can I do for you today?” asked Mercer, his eyes raking over Maddie’s position before he met my gaze.

If Maddie wasn’t sitting so close, I’d lean over this desk and smack that smile off his face. Instead, I asked, “limits?”

Mercer lifted his eyebrows. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to be more specific. We’ve already discussed her safe word and consent.”

“Sure,” I said. “But shit’s already changing.”

Earlier, a part of Maddie came out that I thought she reserved forthe doctors. I wanted her to set her trauma free, give it over to me. But at the same time, the damage I could do to her terrified me.

She hadn’t used her safe word. And some part of me wanted to punish her more and then turn around and make her drip with more pleasure than she could handle. I didn’t want to see her in pain, but it was my duty to release her from the constant fight for survival.

Glee exploded in Mercer’s eyes, and I almost expected him to clap like a little kid. This man really did rattle my cage.

“So, I’ll take it you’ve begun to explore the power-play dynamic?”

Maddie wiggled, and I laid my hand on her shoulder. She sat still. I knew she wouldn’t be able to sit here long. She was likely going to leave a wet spot on the carpet because I’d made her wait so long. I wanted to take care of her, but I needed help to go to that next step.

Everyone thought she was the broken one, but I hesitated where she never had.

“Yes,” I answered. “We need help to decide how we can best help each other.”

Maddie nearly snapped her neck to look up at me. “Don’t I pleasure you?”

“You do. Very much.” I caressed her cheek.

“But you’re on the journey too, aren’t you, Cook?” asked Mercer, and I stiffened. “You’re also discovering what you like. What did you like today that spurred something in you?”

I locked my jaw, but Maddie answered, “My ass.”

“Anal?” asked the weasel like it was a very mundane thing.