“She will. Just don’t give up.”
“I’m not going to.”
“Good. If you need me to send your things over, just call, and I’ll arrange it.”
“Thanks, but I think you’re getting ahead of yourself, don’t you?”
“No. You shouldn’t underestimate yourself, Mac.”
His words are very comforting, and give me heart, even where I’m not sure there’s much hope.
“I’ll call you.”
“Yes… please do.”
We end our call, and I look up at Calvin. He’s gone back to studying his script again, and I decide to take a chance and dial Ella’s number… yet again.
It rings… it actually rings, and I leap to my feet.
“Hi, Ella.”
Calvin sits back, looking up, and then gets to his feet, vacating the room… bless him.
“Have you been calling me?” Ella asks.
“Yes, but I didn’t leave any messages.”I couldn’t think what to say, other than ‘I love you’, and I wasn’t going to say that down the phone to your voicemail.
“Sorry. My phone was turned off.”
No kidding. “But I told you I’d call.”
“I know, but I got back to Drew’s place on Thursday and I had such a headache, I went straight to bed. It was still pretty bad yesterday, so I stayed with him again, resting, and I’ve only gotten home this morning. I’d forgotten I’d turned my phoneoff when we got to the ceremony… and I didn’t switch it back on until about twenty minutes ago. I—I’m really sorry, Mac.”
“Hey… don’t be sorry. Are you okay?” She doesn’t sound it.
“The headache’s a lot better.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“I’ll be fine.”
That’s still not what I asked. “Can I come over… please? I’m worried about you.”
There’s a brief pause and I hear her sigh. “Is this about the baby?”
“No. How many times do you need me to say this? I want to see you, Ella. I want you… I want us. Please? I miss you… so damn much.” My voice cracks and I hear her gasp. At least I think it’s a gasp and not a sigh. This is why I need to see her… so I can gauge her reactions, instead of guessing at them. “Please, let me come over? I can be there in about twenty minutes.”
“No, you can’t. I—I’m not in Boston.”
“But I thought you said you went home.”
“Yes… to Newport.”
Shit. “Okay. I’ll… I’ll rent a car and drive down there.”
There’s another pause, which drags on for a little too long to be comfortable. “O—Okay.”