“I told you, you don’t have to keep thanking me.”
“Yes, I do.”
He smiles and reaches out, cupping my face. “No regrets?” he says, his face quite serious now, and I know he’s thinking about what happened on Friday night. Forgetting to use acondom might have been a mistake, but it’s one we’ve repeated over and over, every time we’ve made love since then. I didn’t want the barrier between us… and to be honest, I couldn’t see the point. I liked feeling him, and I know he liked feeling me, too. He said so on several occasions.
“None at all.”
He smiles. “Good.”
We haven’t talked about the consequences of our actions, but we will… when we get home.
Once we’re back at my apartment, I’m going to tell him why I was okay with throwing caution to the winds. I’m going to tell him I’m in love with him. And then I’m going to ask him to move in with me.
I could have said all that while we were here, but I want to say the words when we’re in the real world, not in this small corner of heaven he’s created for us.
“I guess we’d better get going.” He sounds as disappointed to be leaving as I am.
“I guess so,” I say, looking up at him as he takes my hand and helps me down the steps. “Do you want to come back to my place?” For some reason, if I’m going to bare my soul to him, I’d rather do so on my own territory. I feel a little nervous… not just about telling him I’m in love with him, but about asking him to move in. I think if we’re at his place and I suggest moving to mine, he might wonder about my motives. He might assume I don’t think his place is good enough… which isn’t the case at all.
“Sure.” He smiles. “I’ll just need to go home first and get some more clothes.”
“Why? You can wash the ones you’ve got with you.”
He shakes his head. “I’d rather take care of you than take care of laundry,” he says.
“When you put it like that, I’ll take you home first.”
Mac’s been quiet all the way back to Boston, but so have I, I guess.
I’ve been trying to work out exactly how to phrase my invitation to move in with me. Oddly enough, I’m fairly sure how I’m going to tell him I’m in love with him, but the rest of it isn’t so easy.
“Do you want to come up with me?” he asks as I park the car outside his apartment, and I turn to look at him. He never normally asks me to go in with him, and I usually wait in the car whenever he has to get clothes or check his mail. He’s looking a little doubtful, though, so I nod my head.
He smiles and we both climb out of the car. He grabs his bag from the trunk and takes my hand, leading me to his apartment building. We both look at each other and I stifle a laugh when we see the sign on the elevator doors, which reads ‘Out of Order’.
“So much for confined spaces,” he says, and I chuckle, following him to the stairwell and climbing up to the top floor with him.
His apartment feels warm and I undo my jacket while he glances at his mail, throwing it down on the couch before he turns and takes me in his arms, kissing me deeply. I hadn’t expected that, and as I feel his hands on my waist, pulling me closer, I moan into his mouth, my body crushed to his.
“Go pack your things,” I murmur, breaking the kiss and leaning back.
“Why? Are you impatient to leave?”
A smile twitches at his lips. “Is there a reason for that?”
“What do you think?”
His smile widens and although I don’t tell him that my reason isn’t entirely physical, he lets me go and picks up his bag, heading for the stairs and climbing up them to his bedroom.
“Do you think we should turn our phones back on?” I call up to him.
“Probably.” I pull mine from my pocket, switching it on. “I suppose there’s a chance we might have heard from the studio. Kennedy said we’d be getting emails, didn’t she?”