“What’s wrong?” I ask and he turns to look at me again, moving close enough that he can lower his voice.
“I know I said I was okay with our plans for tonight, but I’m starting to wish I’d made more of an effort. Zara kept telling me everything was fine, but I feel like I’ve allowed Sabrina to take the edge off of what could have been a perfect day. I could have planned something if I’d thought it through, but I just let it slide… and now it’s too late. I’ve let her down.”
“No, you haven’t… and it’s not too late.”
He frowns. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, there’s a honeymoon suite at the hotel that’s got your name on it.”
“What the fuck? How? I mean… how?”
“I arranged it all… once I’d finally sobered up.”
“You arranged it?”
“Yeah. And it’s all on me, before you start arguing. Chester has my credit card details, and strict instructions to charge me for anything and everything you want.”
“Are you serious?”
“You did all that?”
I nod my head. “I had help, though.”
“Who from?”
“Macy to start with. She helped me come up with the idea, but then there was also Zara’s mom.”
His frown deepens, and he pushes his fingers back through his hair. “How did you even get hold of her?”
“That was kinda tricky,” I admit. “Even once I was sober, I wasn’t sure how I was gonna go about it. But I knew I couldn’t manage my scheme without her. All I knew was her name, and that she lived somewhere in Vermont. It seemed like an impossible task, but then I had a flash of inspiration, and I called Brady.”
“Brady? What could he do to help?”
“He’s the sheriff. He has ways of tracking people down, and once I explained the situation, he was happy to help.”
“So you spoke to Sylvia?”
“Yeah. I called and told her what I wanted to do, and asked if she’d be okay looking after Nash by herself for the night. She agreed, and then I asked if she’d pack a bag for the two of you. If everything’s gone to plan, it’ll be in the trunk of your car.”
“You’re kidding.”
“No. I’ll take Nash, Sylvia and Zara’s aunt back to your place later on, and you can take Zara to the hotel and enjoy a night of peace together.”
He chuckles. “You think we’re gonna get much peace?”
“Of course I fucking don’t.”
We both laugh and he throws his arms around me. “Thanks, man,” he says in my ear. “Thank you so much. I owe you.”
“You owe me fuck all. I’ve been a truly shitty friend to you over the last few years.”
“No, you haven’t.”
“Yeah, I have. But that’s all gonna change now.”
“Thanks to Macy?” he says, pulling back and looking over my shoulder to where Zara and Macy are standing, looking at us.