The man and Andre laugh, and I relax but keep my hand on his thigh. If I have to pretend to want to feel up my friend to save my sister, I’ll do it.
Suddenly, the man grabs a petite blonde and yanks her onto his lap before running his fingers down her face. She looks horrified but doesn't move a muscle while he strokes and caresses her body.
“You guys ever had one in the private rooms?” He asks as he inhales her scent like a fucking creeper. I want to throw up.
“Never,” Andre lies smoothly. “Can we go in together?” he asks, gesturing towards me.
“You can do whatever the fuck you want for the right price. I’m a regular here, so they let me have a small teaser before I take them in.” He licks up the side of the girl's face. She doesn’t move, but I can see the moisture pooling in her eyes as she stares into nothing.
Andre leans back, wrapping his arm around my chair, pretending to ponder before looking at me. “What do you think? Want to try out a room?”
Silence passes, and the man interrupts before I can answer, which is good because I’m not sure I won’t throw up everywhere if I try to speak.
“First time’s on me, boys. Come on,” he says as he stands up, yanking the girl behind him. “Pick,” he instructs.
“Anyone?” Andre asks.
“For a private room, anyone here is up for grabs.”
Andre already knows this, of course, but he’s playing along. I have no clue what he’s doing. I have been searching for Sasha and haven’t seen her anywhere. Before I know it, he’s dragging me around the room to a back corner with sheer curtains. I couldn't see this area from my seat. The curtains part, and there sits Sasha sandwiched between two men. They both are caressing her while whispering in her ears.
She doesn’t look like she’s about to cry like the other girl. She looks numb. She looks like a fucking shell. Andre grabs her hand, pulling her off the couch and into his arms. “This one looks delicious,” he says as her eyes widen. She attempts to say something, but he pushes his fingers into her mouth. “Shhh, we like our women silent.”
The man chuckles beside me and nudges me. “She is delicious and compliant. One of my favorites.”
I want to punch him in the fucking face. I want to take him out back and slice him up before feeding him to the dogs. I wish I could see his whole face to memorize it for the future. Instead, I give a smile, one I am most definitely not feeling.
“Follow me,” he says while we walk behind him, passing through more doors. The familiar hallway greets me, and I’m fully prepared to sit like I did last time, but Andre grabs me and drags me through the door as he pushes Sasha inside.
“Have fun, boys,” I hear the man say before the door clicks closed. Sasha stands in the middle of the room with her head down. I stand leaning against the door, carefully avoiding her naked form as my friend approaches her. Andre removes the top of his cloak and smiles at Sasha, tilting her face to his.
“Hello, beautiful,” he says.
Her eyes widen for the second time tonight as she looks at him and then towards me while I pull my hood down to expose my face.
“You guys can’t be here,” she attempts to pass Andre like she’s going to run through the door to escape, but his voice stops her in her tracks.
“Do you want to be here?”
She looks at me before turning to him. “I don’t have the luxury of choosing. I never have.”
I’m suddenly sad for her. Sorry for the life she had to live while I was safely tucked away in bed every night. My life may not have been perfect, but it was ten times better than the kind of life she has had. I grab her arm, pulling her towards me.
“We are here to help you,” I say.
Her eyes go angry. “What the fuck do you care for? You guys never gave a shit about about me before. I was just an assistant your friend could play with when it appeased him.” She rips her arm away, still glaring at me.
“It’s what family does,” I whisper while my eyes plead with her. She looks over at Andre, confused. I don’t have a chance to say anything else before Andre grabs her again.
“I would love to extend this family reunion, but we are on a bit of a time constraint,” he says before removing what looks like a syringe from the sleeve of his shirt. I can't promise you will have control of every choice you make when you leave here, but I assure you, it will be better.”
She takes a step back, clearly out of fear.
“See you soon, beautiful,” he says before plunging the syringe into her neck. He catches her as she drops to the floor, easing her down before standing back up and adjusting his shirt.
“What the fuck Andre?” I growl out. “What the fuck is going on?”
“We need to go now,” he says, not bothering to explain as he pulls his hood up and motions for me to do the same. The lights in the hall flicker off, startling me. Andre yanks me out of the door and through the adjacent doorway just as the lights in the hall flicker on again. The room would be identical to the first, where we left Sasha if it weren't for the two bodies lying on the floor instead of one. The original man and girl we followed back here lay motionless. It might be safe to assume they were drugged, but I can’t be sure since Andre is being an asshole and not telling me shit.