I narrow my eyes at him, prepared to tell him to fuck off, but he plasters that stupid smile on his face again, looking over my shoulder.
“Hey Little Mouse…you ready?”
Riley stands there fiddling nervously with her hands. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Sebastian?” She looks back over her shoulder nervously to see Corrine staring out my window with her arms crossed.
“Would I ever let anything happen to your sister Little Mouse? Corrine is in good hands. She is a big girl and Xavier will keep her completely safe. Won't you Xavier?” Sebastian asks me with a glare.
“Umm, yeah, of course,” I respond, mentally kicking myself for how weak I sound.
“Oh, ok,” Riley says and walks to her sister to hug her. “I love you, sister. Call me if you need anything, okay?”
Corrine grabs Riley's shoulders, “Riley, I’m fine okay? Just try to have fun with your husband. You both deserve this time to yourselves. I love you so much.”
Sebastian grabs Riley and drags her out of the door while Riley yells, “I love you too, sis. See you Sunday!”
“Wait what?!” I blurt out as the door slams shut.
“Oh, you didn’t know? We are stuck together all weekend,” Corrine says sarcastically with an annoyed look on her face.
I quickly school my features. With a completely blank look on my face, I turn to her. “I have work to do today. Don’t get in my way.”
“Wouldn't dream of it,” she yells out as I head to my bedroom and slam the door behind me. I lean against it and let out a breath before texting my mom on my phone.
Me:Something came up today. I won’t make it for dinner tonight. I love you.
Then I chuck my phone on the floor and swing myself into the corner desk. I plug in my headphones and switch them on, the sound of My Chemical Romance playing in my ears. For the next few hours, I lose myself in documents I needed to draft and edit today.
Eventually, the smell of bacon wafts through my door and I glance at the clock, noting it's a little after noon. I pull my headphones out and grimace when my stomach growls. Who the fuck makes bacon in the afternoon? Music is playing too but I can’t make out what it is, so I decide to grow my balls back and investigate the situation.
Opening my door I can't help but chuckle when I see Corrine in the kitchen moving whatever she's cooking around in a pan. She's facing away from me headbanging to Limp Bizkit’s ‘Break Stuff’ while swaying her hips. I can hear her singing every word out loud like she’s heard that song a million times. I lean against my door frame and cross my arms watching her with a smirk on my face. She’s so damn gorgeous. I can see how I would have fallen for her.
I blink, and before I know it, I recall a memory of the two of us eating popsicles at a park.
She reads a funny joke off the popsicle stick and I notice she's got a bit of the juice on her bottom lip. Laughing, I lean in and suck her lip into my mouth, stealing the popsicle juice from it.
“What’s your flavor?” She asks me, quirking her brow.
“You, Butterfly. You're my flavor.” She blushes.
“Where did you come from?” I ask her, searching her eyes.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
I don’t respond as I continue to stare at her. “Why are you looking at me like that Xavier?”
“I…I Lo…”
Suddenly my vision blurs and I’m jolted back to reality. Corrine is glaring at me. She’s got both hands on her hips.
“What?” I ask her.
Her eyes narrow. “I asked you a question. Why are you staring at me like that, Xavier?”
My eyes widen and suddenly I’ve lost my appetite. Without answering her I retreat to my room and slam the door. I head straight for my bathroom and pull out two Xanax. I dry-swallow them before sticking my head under the tap to gulp down water. I grab my headphones and faceplant on my bed. Maybe if I just sleep for a little bit, I can get myself back together again to survive the rest of the weekend.
Chapter 19