Page 36 of Run From Me

What would it be like to be fucked by him like this?

I shook my head. That was not a healthy thought.

I think that was thirty seconds. I had to focus. Thirty-one, thirty-two. I continued to count. Breathing was a good thing. How was I going to know if he was done? This wasn’t really well thought out. I was used to hairbrained ideas from the Vipers, but I wasn’t ever the one murdering. I was the one covering up the murders with paperwork.

Still, something about this felt really, well, good. One more shitty person done with, gone.

I nearly jumped when the alarm at the nurses’ station beeped.

The nurse looked up at me and smiled before running to do whatever she did. I simply stepped back from the station slowly before turning and walking away toward the stairwell we’d come up.

Shit, I must have been daydreaming. A few more steps, and I was pushing though the fire door to the stairwell. The back stairwell didn’t have cameras that I was aware of, thanks to it not having direct access to the outside.

I got through the door and nearly screamed as an arm wrapped around me and a hand covered my mouth.

“Shhh, Sparky. Ready to go?”

I nodded as I breathed against his restraint. The heavy breathing that I couldn’t control? Not from nerves. Or at least not nerves that had anything to do with being here and aiding in a murder.

“Is he? Was that him?”

Slowly, he turned me to face him so I could watch as Xander’s lips stretched into a dark smile. Why was that my thing? I looked up into Xander’s face and my girly bits tingled. But it was more than that. I knew my reason for being fucked up, but what was his?

And why did I want to know?

He was an itch I didn’t think would ever go away.

I was royally screwed.



The driveback had been quiet. Not some kind of weird quiet that I wanted to fill with something either.

It was the kind of quiet that maybe I had with my brothers when we were just sitting around trying to be us. Fuck? When was the last time we’d done that, and was this some kind of projection? I was so desperate for their time that I wanted to think she was the answer?

I side glanced her way, the way I had over a hundred times in the short time it took to get back to the side of town where I should be dropping Calliope off and running.

Instead, I found myself chuckling as I watched her.

Calliope held her phone like it was going to bite.

“What are you waiting for? Hot date?”

I could imagine her rolling her eyes, but I couldn’t actually see her in the dark.

“Just waiting for a call that I need to go back and confirm the body you just murdered is really dead. I’ve never had to actually autopsy a body I knew the cause of death for before cracking him open. Fuck, I need another drink.”

We pulled into the morgue parking lot where I could have told her to get her ass out. Instead I turned, wanting to somehow keep her with me a few more minutes.

“Did you enjoy it?” I asked her.

The lights of the parking lot were sad at best, but I could still see something in her eyes that I’d never known in any other woman. Maybe it wasn’t the same demon inside me, but something seemed to hide behind her put-together facade. Fuck. The darkness in this woman was untapped and uncontrolled, if only she would let me see it. I’d gotten a glimpse tonight.

“Is there something wrong with me if I say I did?”

I could normally hide every emotion, but she brought something alive that I didn’t even want to hide. She entertained me.