Wren laid her head on his shoulder, laughing. “Hey, Troy.” She giggled again and used him to keep herself upright.?
“Okay, we need to sit you down.”??
Gavin strode up on her other side and threw his arm around her. All three of them sat down on a bench.??
Wren was all smiles, which was contagious to the rest of us. They all stayed where they were at, arms thrown over her.??
“Soooo.” Troy looked to me. “Where is this friend of yours?”?
“Riley? Oh. . .bathroom.” Wren looked to me and her cheeks visibly flushed. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or if she was thinking about whatever the two of them had been doing before they got here.?
I felt the possessive beast unfurl again. Urging me to claim what was mine.??
“You know,” Gavin leaned into her, eyeing me, “whatever guy you are introducing us to is going to get the third-degree from your sons.”??
“Yeah, we have to approve of our new stepdaddy.” Troy winked at me, and I wanted to shove my pool stick up his?—
“As long as you call me ‘daddy,’ I’ll be sure to take good care of you boys.”?
A redhead who was only a few inches shorter than me stepped up with two glasses of water in her hands. She breezed past me and handed the water to Wren.??
“Here, babe. Drink up or else you will have a hangover.” The redhead turned and looked to me, a smirk on her freckled face. “You must be Alex.” She held her hand out to me. I shook it, confused. Rather than watching me suffer a moment longer, she spared me. “I’m Riley.”
Laughter bubbled up and spilled out of me. I had to take a few breaths before I could say anything. “Of course, you’re Riley.” I pointed at the bench.?“Those two dumbasses with their mouths hanging open are Gavin and Troy. I see you have treated my best friend to a good night, and you know what, I think I need to take her home now.” Still chuckling at my own stupidity, I reached for Wren, who took my hand, a smile still plastered on her face.?
“Thanks for the advice, Riley.” She giggled. “Sorry I’m such a lightweight.”??
Riley hugged Wren, giving her a wink before turning to Gav and Troy, who were still sitting dumbfounded. She pointed at the two of them and said, “Whatever the story is here, I like it. How long have you two been dating?”??
“Dating!? We aren’t dating!” Gavin and Troy said in unison.???
“Oh, come on boys, no need to be shy.” Riley laughed.??
“I think they finally met someone to match their ridiculousness.” Wren giggled as we headed out of the bar together.
The cool airon my face felt nice. Alex had practically carried me to his truck and buckled me in, and now we were on our way home.??
I had left work with every intention of meeting up with Riley and bringing her out for a drink with the guys.??
Talking with her the week before had been fun and I wanted more girl time with her. She was so carefree and didn’t blink at anything I said.??
She had brought out some vodka and started mixing drinks for us. I had admitted to her that I hadn’t played with any of the toys I purchased from her store.??
I was nervous. Riley called it themental embarrassment block. She said that was a fault of the human brain, the embarrassment emotion. There was no point in it, and it constantly ruined so many things. Hence, the vodka. She brought out the alcohol in hopes it would help me loosen up. She didn't realize I really didn’t drink hard liquor. I had two drinks before I was way more than buzzed. She drove me to the bar and the rest was history.?
“So, what did you think of Riley?” I rolled my head to look at him. Alex had had a grin on his face since we left.?
“Honestly, I didn’t think much of her, just glad she was ashe.”??
I screwed my face in confusion, analyzing his words. “You thought Riley was a guy?”??
“Yes. Yes, I did.” He glanced at me before looking back to the road. “Look, you brought up dating, having sex, and then suddenly you are bringing your ‘friend’ to pool night?” He shook his head. “I absolutely thought you were introducing all of us to your new boyfriend.”??
“You’re such a dork.” I reached out, poking his side. “I never brought up having sex. You did.” I looked back out the window. “I barely brought it up with you, and you thought in the span of a week I met some guy and was already going to let you meet him?”?I giggled and shook my head. I let myself believe that maybe Alex was jealous. I really wanted him to be jealous. I wanted him to think about us too. I didn’t want to be the only one wondering if something more could be here. “It will be a cold day in hell before I bring a guy home to meet you,” I murmured against the window.