Page 57 of Falling Too Late

I frowned at him, not sure where he was going with this.

“You don’t need me anymore.” The back door opened suddenly, and Ma walked through. “Hey, kids.”??

“Hey, Ma,” Wren and I said in unison. Wren snapped out of whatever thoughts had her tied up before.?

“Hey, Gloria.” Jon took the dish towel and wiped the counter down. “Well, I should probably head home. I’ve got a mock trial I am prepping for.”

Wren turned off the water and took the towel, drying her hands. “Well, thanks for stopping by. It was nice of you to help.”

Watching them had the hair on the back of my neck standing. Wren hugged him and he hugged her back. It wasn’t quick; they lingered longer than normal.

Jon locked eyes with me as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Sleep well.” He straightened, and I could see his intentions clearly. I clenched my fists at my side, fighting the urge to throw him out of the house.

“Nice to see you, Gloria.” He stooped down to hug her and slapped my shoulder as he passed. “Night, man.”

“Yeah. Night.”

The door closed behind him, but I didn’t move.

“Dear?” Ma said, looking up at me.

My eyes were on Wren as she looked down and took a deep breath, forcing a smile to her lips before she turned to Ma. “Welcome home.” She walked over to her, giving her a hug. “Your hair looks nice.”

“Oh, thank you, dear. I let Charlie have fun with it this time. I saw all the boxes piled in the alley, you two sure did get a lot done.” Ma coughed into her hand, clearing her throat.??

“That was Gavin and Troy’s doing. When they aren’t wrestling throughout the entire house, they get shit done.” I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it up, giving myself something to do. “Here Ma,”??

“Thank you, sweetheart.” She took a sip, clearing her throat again. “Well, I am honestly so tired from all this excitement today, kids, I think I’ll go to bed. Night, you two.”?

We watched as Ma left the kitchen and headed down the hall. I turned back to Wren, still fired up about Jon.?

“No one should do anything to you without your permission. Do you understand me?” My heart was still racing in my chest, the anger growing. “No one has the right to touch you without your permission. Not even me. Do you understand?”?

“Alex, Jon is our friend. Whatever is going on between you two, leave me the hell out of it.” She tore her gaze away from me. She was leaning back against the counter, her hands gripping the edge.??

Something about her words made me feel betrayed. Like she was choosing him over me.

“I need to take a walk,” I muttered, heading out through the laundry room and out the back door. I was careful not to slam the door. I walked in circles out in our yard.

Had I ever needed Jon? Yeah, he had always been generous. Helping me out even though I never asked. Giving me things, even though I never asked. I thought that was just who he was though. We grew up in different ways. He wanted for nothing and I got by with what I had.

As a kid, I was lonely, but then Wren came along and things got better.

I paced for a while, letting my thoughts spin, before finally sitting on the stoop.??

The door opened and then softly closed. Wren took a seat next to me. She bumped her shoulder into me, before handing me a beer.??

“Are you okay?”?

“Yeah,” I sighed, accepting it.?

She took a long drink of her own beer, staring out across the yard. We were still at the edge of the city, but it was a lot quieter over here. Horns could still be heard honking in the distance. The radio filtered out from inside the house.??

“How was your session today?” I wanted to lighten the mood, and Wren always seemed better after her appointments.??

“It was good.” She looked down, picking at the label on her beer.??

“What?” I asked, confused as to why she got quiet all of a sudden.??