Page 94 of Falling Too Late

Used to know me, I told myself.

I had never been much of a fighter before her. I didn’t start shit for no reason. If I was throwing a punch, someone else started it and I was just there to finish it.

The only fight I ever started in high school was over Wren.

Wren’s eyes softened on Jon, and I watched as she lifted her hand and squeezed Jon’s forearm, comfortinghim.

Melissa stared between the three of us. I gave her a wink and her cheeks flushed. She was just a bystander in this whole situation, but there was something more there that I was going to have to figure out at a later date.

“Stop.” Wren’s voice was low and angry. I almost had to lean in to hear her. “I don’t know how you did it, Alex, or even why you would do it, but I’m not going to sit here and be lied to after six years.”

Jon stumbled over his words. “W-Wren has been through enough of your mind games. You need to leave.”

Wren watched Jon as he spoke. Her forehead crinkled with confusion. I could see the distrust in her eyes; it was minor, but it was there.

“Jon was never there. At any of the hearings. He said he would be, but every time they brought me out, I looked for him.” I tossed back my drink, feeling like this was about to end. “I had some lawyer who didn’t know his head from his ass. He’s lying to you.”

“He’s lying to me? You want to argue thathewas the one lying to me when you. . .” Her words trailed off and she shook her head. Something passed between her and Jon. Something that I wanted to understand. “He’s been here, Alex. Where the fuck have you been?” She stood, gathering her purse. “I can’t believe I trusted you.” Wren shot daggers at me before she rushed past me. The sweet scent of honey and spices followed behind her.

I took my time, staring at Jon. His face was hard and filled with hatred. I really wished he would drop dead right then and there. I wanted to poke at him, see what he would do, but my reason for everything was leaving, and I needed to follow.

Slowly, I rose from my seat, chuckling, relishing the anger written all over Jon’s face. “I’ll be seeing you, Jon.” I turned to leave, then paused. “Oh, and by the way.” I narrowed my eyes, lowering myself across the table to get right in his face. He shrank into the chair. “I knoweverything.And soon, Wren will too.”

I left the restaurant, picking up the pace, looking up and down the sidewalk for Wren, but I didn’t see her.

“Dammit,” I muttered, choosing a direction and following it. I got about a half a block up when I heard her.


I stopped and turned around. She was behind me, holding her heels by their straps in one hand.

How the hell is she behind me?

We stood there, staring at each other. I watched her eyes roamover me, and I knew we were feeling the same thing. Looking at a stranger we were supposed to know. Feeling familiarity but not being able to act how we used to. It looked like she might come to me. I felt goosebumps at the thought of her wrapping her arms around me. Burying my face in her hair, holding her again.

She fucking abandoned you.

But did she? Not once did I see shame or regret on her face.

I could just reach out and grab her, pull her to me, and God I wanted to, but I clenched my fists at my sides.

“Alex, I?—”

I put my hand out, silencing her. She wrung her hands together nervously.

“So, I get out of prison, and this is how I find you? Shacking up with the jackass who ruined my life.”

I threw the poisonous words out at her. Her face screwed up, mouth popping open. Her hands stopped fidgeting, crossing over her chest in defense, a hip popping out.

“Ruined your life? You have got to be fucking kidding me.” She laughed darkly. “This is how you get my attention? Ambush me at dinner by going on a date with my friend?”

I shoved my hands into my pockets. “You’re pissed at me?” I chuckled humorlessly. I walked in a small circle, needing to do something. “You fucking abandoned me as soon as I went to jail. For what? So you could finally get with Jon?”

She looked like I had slapped her but recovered quickly. “So, that’s what this is? Tit for tat?”

“Had to get your attention somehow. You obviously only pay attention to the things that are conveniently in front of you.” This wasn’t how I wanted this to go but the words kept coming out.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re the one who tried to make me go fucking crazy, bystalkingme, letting me see you for just a second before you tuck your fucking tail between your legs and run?!”