Page 40 of Falling Too Late

“Yeah.” He tugged me up next to him. “This is Wren.”?

The guy nodded at me, not really seeming to care. Alex was still letting me hide behind those words,my girl. The more I heard him say it, the more I liked it. There was something about belonging to someone. Someone wanted me and that felt good, even if they were just pretty words for right now.

“Booze is in the kitchen.”??

Alex weaved us through the house, his hand tight on mine. People were gathered in the living room, some dancing, some standing in corners talking. I saw one couple on the couch making out.??

Once we were in the kitchen, Alex asked, “Do you want a drink?” He had to lean in close and almost yell to be heard over the loud house music.

I looked at the mess of liquor bottles on the counter and the punch bowl filled with red liquid. I could feel my shoes sticking to the floor. “Sure.”

He ladled the juice into a red solo cup, taking a sip, and he made a face. “Woah. It’s really spiked.” He filled up another cup halfway and then cracked a can of sprite, filling it up the rest of the way. “It’s cut, so it shouldn’t hit as hard.” He handed it to me. I took a sip; it was sweet, bubbly, but the alcohol still hit harder than I expected. “Just pace yourself.”

“Hey, pour me one of those.” Juni was there with her bright, freshly-dyed turquoise hair. She looked at me. “I didn’t know you were coming.” Her shoulder bumped against mine. Juni was beautiful. Her makeup was fully done, with dark liner around her eyes and eyeshadow to match her teal hair. There was a little part of me that was jealous of Juni.

I had never had makeup before. I vaguely remembered playing with some of my mother’s when I was little. A ghost of a memory brushed my mind, of my father’s face. I got my black, wavy hair from him, along with my green eyes. I’d always thought I got myfair skin from my mom, but the longer I lived with the Harpers, the more my skin started to warm with color. I had filled out this summer. After the embarrassment of getting my period for the first time, I spent a few days at our local library using their computers for research.

Apparently, malnutrition can delay a girl’s period and puberty all together.The birth control and massive amounts of Plan B my mom had made me take hadn’t helped either.

“Here I am.” I tried to say it with more confidence than I felt. I felt like a fish out of water, like everyone knew I didn’t belong here.

Juni could sense my unease. “After a few drinks of Teddy’s punch, you will loosen up.” She shimmied at me in tune with the music, reaching around me for her drink from Alex.

“Cheers!” Juni prompted us to raise our cups, and we did, all taking a drink together.

“Do you want to dance?” Alex took my hand and started to tug me to the living room.

“What? No. I don’t know how to dance.” I shook my head.

Alex chuckled. “I’ll teach you.”

My groan couldn’t be heard over the music. He tugged me to the living room, where there were groups of people dancing. I didn’t recognize the song.

I had never been one to dance, not even alone in my room.

Alex and Juni moved us into our own tight circle. They both started to dance on their own, Juni moving her hips and bringing her arms above her head. Alex’s moves were all in his shoulders and arms. I think he was copying some old eighties dance with the peace signs over his eyes.

They both had big smiles on their faces while they danced around me. I was smiling too. Alex’s moves had me giggling.

“Alex!” a girl shouted from out in the living room. I couldn’t see her through the crowd, but Alex did. He tilted his head.

“Go, I got her.” Juni threw her arm over my shoulder.I looked back to Alex and gave him a nod. I didn’t want him tohave to babysit me all the time. I would be fine without him for a little while.

He looked between us before nodding. “I’ll be right back.” He took my hand for a moment, squeezing it lightly. I watched as he pushed past a group of people and disappeared into the crowd.

“Are you two dating yet?”?

She said it so loud that I looked around, worried other people overheard her. The last thing I needed was to be the topic of the rumor mill again.

“Juni!” I shook my head. “No, Alex and I are not dating.”

She pursed her lips and looked past me. “That’s too bad. I hear Amanda is trying to hook up with him tonight.” She sighed dramatically. “I guess there's nothing stopping him then.”

My cheeks flushed and Juni laughed at me. Now I realized that the voice was Amanda’s. “Come on, I have my bag stored in Teddy’s room upstairs.” She tugged me through the crowd to the staircase. With the bedroom door closed, the music was muted.

“What are we doing, Juni?” I sighed the words out.

She motioned for me to sit on the edge of the bed.??