“I need to leave for a few hours. Anything you want me to get you?”
“Some clothes for her. I’m hoping to bring her home now that she’s awake.”
“Don’t piss off the nurses and you might be able to get somewhere with them. Try being charming.” His voice was light, teasing.
“The only woman I’m ever going to be charming to is this one.” His arms adjusted around me.
“Well, brother, you stink. The blood is starting to soak through your bandage and you need a shower. I’ll bring you back some stuff and watch her while you shower.”
“No. I’m never taking my eyes off her again.”
“You haven’t slept in three days.”
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
“If you really die, you won’t be able to take care of her, so take care of yourself too.”
Their voices faded out as I fell deeper into sleep.
I woke up a few hours later. Alex was sitting in the chair next to me. Nikolas was nowhere in sight. I tried holding still while I watched him. He had ahold of my hand, running his thumb over my fingers.
That’s when I felt it.
I tugged my hand away, holding it up to my face.
“Alex, this is?—”
“Ma’s ring.”
Tears were already forming in my eyes. I had only ever seen Gloria’s ring once. I noticed it when I had been living with them for about three months. I complimented it. Told her it was beautiful. I could tell she treasured it. She had told me how there were days when she almost pawned it so she could pay the bills, but could never bring herself to do it.
It was the one thing I was selfish with. I couldn’t give it up.
It wasn’t long after that I noticed she stopped wearing it. I was worried that she had pawned it and told her so.
No, sweet girl. It’s tucked safely away. You’ll see.
I never understood what she meant back then. I was just happy she hadn’t pawned it because I was too much for her to care for.
The ring was a singular, circle cut diamond held on a gold band. The band had carvings around it that looked like vines. It was simple, but exquisite.
“This was the surprise I had for you that morning.” He rubbed a hand down his stubbled face. “Remember the party when everything happened with Chance?”
I nodded, still stunned it was on my hand.
“I couldn’t sleep that night. I laid awake all night while you slept. I couldn’t lie there anymore, so I went outside. Ma came home early that morning. I had a lot on my mind and somehow, it was like she knew I needed her and she was there.” A soft smile curved his lips. He took my hand again. “She gave me the ring that day. Told me that Dad would want me to have it and she wanted me to give it to the girl I decided to marry.” His watery eyes looked up to me. “I think she knew it would be yours one day.”
Another five days passed before I was released from the hospital. Ezekiel and Nikolas picked us up and drove us home. Alex sat in the back seat of the SUV with me. He opted for them to pick us up rather than Troy and Gav, stating that they could hold their emotions where Troy and Gavin couldn’t. He had pulled me onto his lap and strapped the seatbelt over the both of us, rolling the window down when I asked so I could feel the wind on my face. Ezekiel and Nikolas talked quietly to each other while I fell asleep.
Alex carried me up the stairs to our room, which had a makeover. He had bought a king mattress that had all the bells and whistles: heating and cooling settings, plus a remote to raise the bed up like a chair. I was on bed rest for another few weeksbefore my next appointment, and Alex was adamant on having me listen to every tiny detail the doctors gave us.
“Hey,” Riley whispered. She opened the door and slipped in quietly. I’d been home for three days now. I slept most of the time, Alex and the pups always close by, but today I was restless. I looked down at a sleeping Alex. His head was on my lap and I had been combing my fingers through his long-ish hair. The poor man hadn’t been sleeping and had finally passed out in exhaustion on my lap. I didn’t mind. It was nice seeing him sleep peacefully.
She carefully sat on the edge of the bed, whispering, “How are you feeling?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m feeling fine. Tired, sore. Glad to be home.”
“How’s he been?” She nodded to Alex.