Cole’s jaw muscles flex as he comes back into the room. I give him the stink eye anyway, despite his glower.
“What?” he asks.
“You totally just called up Grayson and told on me, didn’t you?”
Cole’s annoyance deepens. He throws his hands out wide.
“What did you expect me to do? You should have told him yourself before making this decision.”
I roll my eyes.
“Hello? He’s doing some kind of top secret spy stuff, I didn't want to distract him. Besides, I don’t understand what the big deal is. Isn’t there something to the adage 'strength in numbers?’”
Cole purses his lips. He’s glad he doesn’t have to be in Grayson’s shoes. I can see it in his eyes.
“It depends on the situation. Quite frankly, I don’t think this is going to be viable.”
“It’s a lot more viable than the alternative. I told you, I’m not going to let the Order stop me.”
My phone rings and I’m glad for an excuse to look away from Cole’s disapproval. At first I’m surprised by the name that pops up on my screen, but then I remember. I hurriedly answer the call.
“Emory! Hi! I’m so sorry I missed our appointment.”
“Hey Charlotte! No worries at all. I know you have a lot going on with that hacker group. I just wanted to check and make sure you’re ok.”
Emory is a petite, curly-haired blonde with bright blue eyes that has been giving me dance lessons. I’ve been trying to expand my skill set for more versatile content. She’s also become a friend, so I know her concern is genuine.
“Thanks Emory, I’m doing alright. I–”
Cole seems to be signaling something to me. He gestures around the room, points to himself and me, then puts a finger to his lips. Got it, he doesn’t want me to blab our location. I give Cole a thumbs up.
“I hired security and I’m just going to lay low until this blows over.”
“Oh good! I’m glad someone is looking after you.”
I smile. It feels good to chat with a girlfriend. I almost feel normal.
“How have you been?”
“I’m good. I’m actually on my way to meet a prospective client.”
I arch my brows. “Prospective client? Anyone I might know?”
“Well, the prospective client is named Artie Silver.”
“Never heard of him.”
“I hadn’t, either, but we’ve both heard of who he represents. Boys R Us.”
I gasp. “Oh my god! I had their posters all over my wall when I was in high school! Are you going to get to meet them?”
“I hope so, since I’m trying to land the gig as their new choreographer.”
I clap my hands and bounce up and down.
“Girl, I’m rooting for you!”