The soft morning light filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. I smile against it. Last night runs through my mind on replay — Jace devouring me on the leather couch after shedding every article of clothing I had on, leaving the heels on my feet, him carrying me into the kitchenette where he got a second orgasm out of me, and finally making it to the bed.
I can still taste the hint of wine on my lips from our shared bottle. The sheets are a tangled mess around my legs, cool against my skin where Jace's body heat does not warm them.
My legs ache as I turn onto my back, staring at the ceiling, and I smirk at the stiffness. Jace wasted no time showing me how much he’s missed me over the last several days, and I’m not complaining. I welcome the pain in my muscles.
The memories fade when my phone beeps once, then a second and third time, and only when it chimes a fourth do I finally reach over and grab it from the nightstand where Jace must’ve placed it after I fell asleep.
He doesn’t so much as stir next to me, his heavy snores echoing around me, and I smile at the sight of his tousled hair covering the pillow. His bare back is on full display, and if it wasn’t for someone messaging me incessantly, I would run my fingers along the tan skin.
There are plenty of messages waiting for me, some of which I received while I was asleep, but the ones that catch my attention are from Sweet Surrender, asking me to meet with them as soon as possible. My heart drops, and I try to think back to my work. If there’s anything I may have forgotten to do, nothing comes to mind.
I’ve been doing pretty well since Hilary gave me a final warning.
Maybe it’s nothing.
They could be asking for a meeting simply because there’s something new they want me to work on, even though they’ve been allowing me the freedom to do whatever needs to be done.Their socials have been increasing each passing day, so it makes sense they might want me to do more.
I carefully climb out of bed and head into the bathroom, taking care of business as usual, then pull an outfit from my suitcase. Jace stirs slightly but doesn’t so much as blink up at me as I busy myself with looking presentable enough for my clients. There’s an awful feeling in my gut, but I don’t pay it any mind as I slip on a pair of heels and make my way out of the room.
I’ll be back soon, so there’s no reason to say anything to Jace. He’s likely to still be asleep by the time I get back, anyway.
With each step towards Trevor’s room, dread coils tighter in my gut. It’s as if my body knows something my mind hasn’t caught up to yet. I take a deep breath, steeling myself. Whatever’s waiting behind that door, I’ll face it head-on.
I take a moment to control my feelings before knocking lightly on his door. It takes a few moments, but eventually, he pulls the door open and gives me a fleeting, uncomfortable glance.
“Mallory," he murmurs, his voice low and guarded. “Come inside. We’ve been waiting for you.”
Stepping inside, I see Hilary standing apart from the others, her arms crossed as she watches me. The rest of the guys are perched on the edge of Trevor's bed, looking uneasy. I look at everyone with a frown. “Good morning. You guys needed me?”
Trevor opens his mouth to speak, but Hilary pushes away from the wall and takes over the conversation. “Yes, Miss Dominic, what we’d all like to know is why you’ve been sneaking behind our backs with Raising Havoc’s lead guitarist.”
I blink, my mouth falling open in shock. “Excuse me?”
As far as I know, it’s not against any rules for me to have relations with members of Raising Havoc… but maybe it’s something I missed.
“The real question,” Hilary says, only getting angrier by the second, “is how you could let something like a relationship get in the middle of the work you should be doing for Sweet Surrender.”
Trevor clears his throat behind me and says, “It’s all over social media, Mallory. There’s no use in denying it.”
“Social media?”
If it’s all over social media, that must mean Brent has seen it.
Oh, hell.
The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. Brent. My brother, Jace's bandmate. I've potentially blown up the band's dynamic, jeopardized friendships, and maybe even put Raising Havoc's future at risk. And for what? A few stolen moments of happiness?
“But what does my relationship have to do with my work?”
“Nothing, if it didn’t distract you on the job,” Hilary mutters. She shakes her head and frowns. “Unfortunately, this is where we sever ties and wish you the best. I tried to make it work, I really did, but we can’t have you getting distracted any more than you already have.”
“You’re firing me because of a relationship with Jace?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
Trevor sighs, his eyes not quite meeting mine. “It’s out of my hands, Mallory.”
“That’s it? I don’t even get a chance to defend myself?” The desperation in my voice is unmistakable, raw emotion bleeding through every word.
Hilary’s short, dry laugh cuts through the room. “You’ve proven enough that you don’t have what it takes. If it were up to me, you’d have been gone at the first mistake.”