“You want me to get on your back?”
I blink and smirk at her. “Is that not obvious?”
She looks from my back, down the sidewalk, then back at me with a frown. “You’re crazy.”
Not crazy, just really don’t want our night to end.
A few people glare as they step around my bent frame, and I arch a brow at her. “Getting antsy here, sweetheart.”
“This is ridiculous,” she mutters before wrapping her legs around my waist and clinging to my back like she’s about to fall off a cliff. “Please don’t drop me.”
At first, I keep my strides calm so as not to spook her further, but once she loosens her grip around my chest, I quicken my pace. It doesn’t take long for me to get into a full jog, her laughter echoing in the wind, and my heart soars at the sound as an easy smile forms on my face. Only when we get closer to the park do I slow down and catch my breaths, my arms still locked protectively over Mallory’s legs.
When we get to the entrance, she slides down my back and fixes her clothing with a huff. “God, I bet someone got a good look at my ass.”
“I’ll be sure to stab their eyes out for looking.”
She chuckles and starts through the entrance, her hips swaying dramatically. Although she thinks I’m joking, the truth is I’m definitely not. The idea of someone looking at her ass fills me with a tremendous amount of jealousy, but I don’t let it consume me too much when I’m still in my present company.
We’re out in the open, but it’s late enough in the day that I’m not too worried about anyone recognizing me. It’s nice out, and I’m trying to stall the moment when I drop Mallory back off to her room. If it were up to me, I would keep her at my side and in my bed for the rest of the night — but it’s not up to me.
The park is a pocket of tranquility in the bustling city. Streetlamps cast pools of warm light along the path, their glow competing with the distant city skyline. The air is cooler here, carrying the scent of grass and late-blooming flowers. Shadows dance as a gentle breeze rustles through the trees. In thedistance, I can hear the faint strains of a street musician's guitar, the melody drifting on the night air.
It's almost romantic – if I let myself think that way.
My heart screams for me to confess everything, to lay my feelings bare. But the specter of rejection looms large, threatening to shatter not just my heart but the fragile connection we’ve built. I’ve weathered my parents’ disappointment, but losing Mallory? That’s a void I’m not sure I could survive.
“Do you do this often?” Mallory asks as she comes to a stop in front of a bench that sits right under an opening of the trees. She looks up, then frowns and shakes her head. “If only the lights wouldn’t be ruining the view.”
I follow her, my gaze catching onto the darkened sky as I sink into the empty spot next to her and sigh heavily. “Not as often as I’d like. Nature soothes me, believe it or not. I can’t always find the time to enjoy it, though.”
“Itisreally pretty out here. I can understand the appeal,” Mallory says softly, her eyes still on the sky.
“I can think of prettier things.”
The brightness in your eyes as you stare at the sky, desperately trying to seek out the stars that the city lights will never allow you the chance to see. How your hair falls beautifully downthe length of your back, practically beckoning me to thread my fingers through it.
Mallory hums in response.“Is this your way of wooing me, Brooks?” Mallory’s tone is playful, but there’s an undercurrent of something more.
“Woo? I don’t woo, sweetheart.” The lie feels heavy on my tongue.
“Fooled me,” she murmurs, her eyes searching mine as if trying to decipher a code.
“Thank you for tonight. It’s been nice. Exactly what I needed after the days I’ve had lately — a pleasant night out with a friend.”
The word echoes in my mind, a stark reminder of the line I’m desperate to cross. I force a smile, but inside, my heart rebels against the label.
As we sit under the city-dimmed stars, I’m struck by the cruel irony. I’m falling for Mallory - hard and fast. But with every shared laugh, every gentle touch, I’m also falling into an impossible situation.
As we sit in silence, the weight of unspoken words hangs between us. Mallory shivers slightly, and I fight the urge to pullher close. Instead, I stand, offering my hand. "We should head back."
As we walk on the path, I text my driver to meet us at the park entrance. The spell of our private moment begins to fade, reality seeping back in with each step toward the bustling city streets.
While we wait for the car, a sobering thought hits me. This isn't just about my feelings anymore. The ripple effect of my choices could impact the band, our careers, even Brent's trust. The stakes have never been higher.