“Where are you going?”
“I’m not telling you that. I’m not telling you a damn thing. This is me time. This is personal and I don’t need you climbing all up in my business and trying to push all your opinions on me. I’ll talk to you when I get home.”
“I don’t like this, Cord. I don’t like it at all.”
“Too bad. I need to recharge. On my own.”
“Fine,” she huffs. “But if there’s an emergency…”
“You’ll handle it. That’s what I pay you the big bucks for.”’
“Alright. I’ll talk to you when you get back. But make sure that you send me that manuscript tonight.”
“I’ll send it. See you, Audrey.”
“See you soon.”
I hang up on her and breathe a deep sigh of relief. Every time we talk anymore she manages to make it seem like a life or death situation to finish my books.
I don’t think one book in my whole career coming out late is that big a deal.
I finish another quick round of my read-through edits and send it along to her, attaching all the things she’ll need.
Then I take a deep breath and open the email again, reading it through. My heart pounds out of control in my chest and it’s been a helluva long time since I’ve been this excited about anything.
I stand up and walk to the window, staring outside at my mountain home, my sanctuary from the craziness that is my life.
I’ve had people manage to find out where I live and show up on this mountain looking for me. Desperate, hungry women who think that if they show up at my home, I’ll give in to them and realize that they’re exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Exactly what I need to make my life complete.
I’ve been edgy and hungry for something. But those women didn’t have it. Whatever it is.
I want more. I want a life, a home, a family. I want what everybody else gets.
I want love. I don’t know if that’s what I’ll get from this or if it will just be another memory to stick in my spank bank and pull out when I need it. Hell, it might just be the worst thing I’ve ever done.
But if there’s even a chance….
Icheck in at the hotel in the mountains and smile when I look out the balcony window of my luxurious room.
I can’t believe that I’m actually here. That I’m doing this. None of my friends know where I’m at. I only have one family member left and my sister, Sloan, lives way off in some weird place called Magic, Wyoming. She says that I can come visit her any time. But I went once and it was an intense place. And I felt like I was missing something that was right there in front of my face. It was like the town had a secret and they just couldn’t tell outsiders what it was. It kinda gave me the willies.
I shiver and rub my arms. I’ve been worried about Sloan since then. She seemed off-kilter. She’s usually so in charge of herself and her future that it was weird to see her unsure.
But this is my time. I get to find out what it feels like to have a strong, sexy man spend time with me. Show me what it’s like to feel beautiful and sexy. Feel like he wants more from me than a meeting with the mayor.
The room phone rings and I pick it up. “Hello?”
“Hello, Miss Short.”
“I wanted to let you know that we’re pleased that you chose our hotel and if you need anything just let us know. I’m the manager here, Kristin, and I’m so excited that you and your friend chose us for your meeting place.”