“Got a Prospect on the way,” Kaden states, sliding his phone back in his pocket as I finally rip my eyes from Wade and the bitch dancing the night away.
I’m sure Wade will end up back at Rissa’s apartment for the night. I shouldn’t let it upset me or piss me off, but I can’t seem to help myself tonight. He’s been with more than one girl over the last year or two and it’s never bothered meat all. However, Rissa is trying to sink her claws into my best friend and rip him away. Not just from me but from the club entirely. She either wants him to become an officer, specifically the President, or leave the club altogether to become some rich prick who doesn’t have contact with his family any longer.
Turning my back to the party, I give Kaden my attention, knowing he’ll have my back if anyone comes at me. I love a good fight and everyone here knows I won’t back down from one. I’ve gotten in more than enough trouble over the years for fighting in school. My parents don’t say a word to me because most of the time I beat the fuck out of bullies who are picking on someone who can’t protect themselves. I’m never gonna stand back and watch that shit happen for any reason.
“Dylan, you’re drunk as fuck,” Wade says, appearing at my back as I whip around and almost faceplant in the sand at his feet. “I’m takin’ you home.”
“Nope. You’re too far up Rissa’s ass to even know I’m here. You should get back before she sends out a search party for ya,” I slur, not giving a fuck how I sound as I take in the dark brown of his eyes that almost appear black tonight.
“The bitch isn’t gettin’ anywhere near me again,” Wade spits out, anger lacing his voice as I hear shrieking coming from behind him. “’Let’s fuckin’ go.”
Wade leads me from the party after telling Kaden to make sure the Prospect loads up the bikes that are left here to take back to the compound. Kaden’s not drunk and has only had a beer the entire time we’ve been here. However, none of us will ride after even having a sip of alcohol. Instead of heading for Wade’s bike, he opens the back door of one of the club’s SUVs that pulls up. Wade climbs in after me and shuts the door behind us. He’s sitting so close to me in the back seat that his thigh is pressing against mine. I want to reach out and rest my hand onhis thigh, but I refrain as we remain silent in the back of the SUV with only the quiet music filling the vehicle. Wade’s body heat soaks into me and I let my eyes lower to the bare skin of his chest and stomach. His muscles are on full display and I want to run my hands over the taut skin there to feel how rigid they are.
When we pull up to the clubhouse, Wade tells the Prospect to pull up by the front door. No, I won’t get in too much trouble if I walk in the house drunk, but my parents won’t be happy at all. Especially my mom. My dad did the same shit as I did tonight so he tries not to get too angry at Carson or myself when we pull some bullshit move. Anyway, Wade pulls me from the SUV and leads me through the front door of the clubhouse. It’s late enough that the common room is empty as we make our way to the hallway where the Prospect’s rooms are located. There’s always an empty room or two in this hallway and we’ve been known to crash here when it’s needed.
I stumble through the door once Wade gets it open. He follows me in the room as I try to make my way over to the bed against the wall to my right.
“I got ya,” Wade whispers as he grabs my arm when I almost hit the floor. The beer is definitely catching up to me now.
He helps me to the bed and sits me down before reaching down and pulling my shirt over my head. Wade knows I can’t stand to sleep in a shirt because it tangles around my body and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Before I can fall back or second guess myself, I reach up and place a hand on each side of Wade’s face. He goes completely still as I stand up and press my lips against his full, soft mouth. I can’t stop the groan that escapes me as I slide my tongue across the seam of his mouth and Wade opens up for me. Sliding my tongue in his mouth, our tongues duel for control as I tilt my head and my heart beats out of my chest from the feelings racing through me. I’m fuckingkissing my best friend. A man I’ve found attractive for the last year and a half and said nothing to him. Or anyone else about my thoughts and feelings when it comes to Wade.
I won’t say that I don’t find other guys attractive. There are plenty I can say are good looking. I’ve never wanted to be with one of them though. Wade is the only guy I’ve ever had a crush on and wanted to explore that side of my sexuality with. It’s easy to flirt, talk with, and hang out with women because I’m also attracted to them. It’s why Wade and I promised to share a girl between us. His parents do that and they make the relationship look so much better than just a single man and woman. I can’t explain it, but I know that’s what I want with Wade. I just also want the man who knows every secret about me on a deeper level as well.
“Fuck!” Wade growls out when he finally rips his mouth from mine. “Dylan . . .,”
“No. You don’t have to say anythin’, Wade. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” I state, fear and panic filling me with the thought of losing my best friend over a kiss I’ve wanted more than anything else in the world.
“Shut up, Dylan. Maybe not tonight, but I get why you did. You’re drunk and your inhibitions are lowered. I’m not gonna say I hated it. Just that I’ve never thought about you like that. At least until this second. I’ve got some things to think about. Get some sleep, Dylan. I’ll be here in the mornin’ so we can talk about this,” Wade says before helping me into bed and covering me up with the sheet only.
I don’t have time to worry more as sleep sucks me under the second my head hits the pillow. Wade taking a seat in the only chair in the room doesn’t register or anything as I let the alcohol aid sleep in making me pass the hell out. I dream of Wade and I finding our girl and building a life together.Something I used to believe was a dream only. Now, I’m not so sure. Time will tell.
Chapter One
GETTING TO WORK early like I do every time I have a shift, I see I’m once again the only one here. None of the bartenders or waitresses come in to get things prepared for the busy night we’re sure to have at Enchantment. So, I always show up an hour early to stock the bar, make sure all the glasses are clean and put back on the shelf where they are easily accessible for the bartenders when they don’t have a second to think or search for glasses that should be available for them from the second the doors open. Hell, during my shift, when I’m not waiting on customers, I’m cleaning tables and sending a load of glasses through the dishwasher in the small kitchen area we have behind the bar.
I hate showing up to work early because it means I’m not spending time with Matie at home. I’ve had him for six months now and finally found someone to watch him while I’m at work. Six months ago, my foster sister, Malinda, dropped him off. She was beaten to hell and told me to protect him from his dad so he didn’t get his hands on him. Malinda took off and I haven’t heard from her since that fateful night. Now, my world revolves around Matie and everything I do is for the little boy who captured my heart from the day he was born.
Morgan, a girl the Phantom Bastards saved when horrendous storms ripped through the city and surrounding areas, is the one who watches over Matie when I have to work. We talked to Vault, the President of the club, and he approved of this arrangement because I don’t trust anyone with Matie. Morgan is someone I trust when it comes to him. I know if anything happens, she’ll call in the club members to protect the two of them. She’s the only one who truly knows the entire situation with Matie, Malinda and Ricky, his father. Or sperm donor if you ask me. Anyway, Morgan watches him for me five nights a week and never gets upset when I message or call to check on him. Yes, I’m a little obsessive about his care and safety.
Today is no different. Morgan does her job for the club first thing in the morning and gets the bar at the clubhouse ready for Kat. She’s another woman the club saved from what I’ve been told. When she knows I need to head into work, Morgan shows up and watches over Matie for me so I can get here early to get the strip club ready for the doors to open. She gets mad on my behalf because Morgan knows I’m the only one who shows up and stocks, cleans, and does everything the rest of the staff should be helping me take care of. Devil also doesn’t say a damn thing to any of them either. I can’t stand Devil and it’s no secret how I feel about him.
Devil manages Enchantment and we’ve always butted heads. The first time I met the infuriatingly sexy man, he insulted me and told me I wasn’t what they were looking for in a dancer. I barely got a word in because he was such a fucking asshole. Vault made him hire me after going through my resume and seeing the work I’ve done over the last few years. College was never in my plan because I don’t have the money to continue my education. I tried to apply for scholarships and grants to helpcover the cost during my senior year of high school, but none of them accepted me. One day I’ll get there, but it won’t be today. I’m not even sure what I’d want to do honestly. Anyway, Devil refuses to have anyone else come in early and allows me to do all the work. I’m so angry with him I can’t even have a conversation about how unfair this shit is. Instead, I go about my night at the club and ensure everything is taken care of before anyone else ever shows up for their shift.
So far, I’ve cleaned all the tables and brought down the chairs the cleaning crew always stacks on top of each table so they can take care of the carpet each night after the club closes. The glasses are washed, dried, and stacked behind the bar where they belong. I’ve cut up the garnish and shit for those fruity drinks some guys prefer over beer, whiskey, or scotch. The only thing left to do before I change into my uniform is to stock the bar with everything that wasn’t restocked last night before the club closed. It’s supposed to be restocked every single night, but no one ever does it. Again, they all know I will so no one worries about making my job easier. As long as they get the fuck out of here and get away with doing the bare minimum, they’re happy to pawn everything off on me.
Grabbing out the small notebook I keep hidden under the bar, I write down what I need to bring out to stock the coolers, shelves, and if I need any ice to be brought out. That’s the one thing I refuse to do because it’s heavy as hell. Devil doesn’t make me carry it out either. The first time he tried, I told him to kiss my ass, took off my apron, and threw it in his face. When he realized I was serious about quitting, Devil started taking care of the ice himself.
“Genesis, how are you doin’ tonight?” Nix, the DJ, asks me as he walks through the front door and removes his sunglasses.
“The same as always,” I respond as I look over my shoulder to take in the man.
Nix is the same age as me. He’s covered in tattoos from head to toe and has a few piercings. Today he’s wearing a pair of baggy jeans and some kind of sports jersey that’s a size or two too big for him. He’s always wearing clothes that don’t fit and I laugh because he spends half the night holding his jeans up. Laughing again, Nix joins in while shaking his head. Nix and I have spent a few breaks together when we have the same shift. I haven’t opened up to him about my personal life, but we do enjoy an easy conversation when we take a breather and head outside for a few minutes of peace and silence. It’s honestly the only place in Enchantment that we’re not being bombarded by men cheering and shouting, the music blaring, and everything else that goes on inside the walls of the club.
“We need to change that shit, Genesis. You need a night out away from the club to get your fuckin’ freak on. Find a guy to fuck the shit outta you,” Nix says, a conversation we’ve had before.
“Nix, I got a baby at home and can’t just take another day away from him when I spend five nights a week here,” I remind him as he moves through the club to where his equipment is set up.