He couldn’t even alert the team. Goshiro would see him activating his comlink.
He took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Ryan’s. “Okay,” he said, his voice tight with tension. “You win. I’ll call off my team. Just don’t hurt her.”
Ryan smiled, his eyes glittering with triumph. “I knew you’d see reason,” he said, his voice mocking. “Now, put down your gun and kick it over to me.”
“Mason, don’t!”
Avery’s plea decided it. Relinquishing his weapon would buy her time. Goshiro would probably shoot him, but unless he took a head shot, or got ridiculously lucky, Mason wouldn’t bleed out before he alerted his team. Most civies, even monsters like Goshiro, had a hard time shooting someone in the face. Or so he’d have to hope.
And if the man was too stupid to take him out, well, Goshiro would regret it.
With a silent prayer to his Savior for Avery’s safety, he lowered his gun to the ground and kicked it, sending it skittering past Goshiro.
“Hands up. You first,” Goshiro ordered him back down the hallway.
Excellent. Having his hands up would only make him quicker when he got a chance to strike. So far. So good.
Mason started toward the stairwell, his steps measured, his senses straining to hear Avery’s footfalls behind him. Goshiro would be tight on her six, ready to blast his way out, if the situation deteriorated.
But Mason lived for chaos. The instant Goshiro blinked, Mason would be on him.
“Where doyou see this going, dude? Because I see it going all bad.” Mason called over his shoulder, his voice purposely low and steady.
Inside, he seethed, but calm would intimidate his opponent.
“Depends on your next move, SEAL.” Unfortunately, Goshiro didn’t sound panicked, either.
If letting it slip that Goshiro knew about his background was supposed to rattle Mason, the guy clearly didn’t know SEALs very well.
At the stairwell, Goshiro stopped him. “Turn around.”
Mason gritted his teeth and obeyed, his mind whirling as he took in the scene before him. Avery was pressed against Goshiro’s chest, her eyes wide with terror as he held a gun to her head.
He wanted nothing more than to rip Goshiro’s arm off and beat him with it. A nice fantasy, but here, in the real world, he was going to have to act like an adult.
For now.
He took a deep breath and reverted to his training. The first mistake Goshiro made would be his last.
If only he could risk activating his comlink.
Avery met his gaze. The corner of her mouth lifted in a heartbreaking attempt at a smile.
If he didn’t want to tear Goshiro apart before, he sure did now.
Eyes still on his, Avery reached up to brush a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.
The comlink. She’d just activated it. Hooyah!
A brilliant move, one that showed just how quick-thinking and resourceful she was. Even in the face of mortal danger, she was still looking for ways to fight back, to turn the tables on her captor.
Stiffening, Goshiro shoved the pistol against her head hard enough to bend her neck. “Don’t move.”
Mason’s hands clenched into fists, his jaw tightening with barely controlled rage. He wanted to choke the life out of Goshiro, to watch the light fade from his eyes as he gasped for air.
Seeking calm, he lifted a silent prayer, begging the Lord to keep her safe, to see them both through this nightmare.