Page 59 of Silent Sins

Mason rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth. His team might drive him crazy sometimes, but they were the best group of people he’d ever worked with. Not that they’d let him forget it.

“Okay, people, time to call it a night,” he said, his voice taking on a note of authority. “Stenberg’s plenty rattled, and we’ve got research to do.”

He took Avery’s hand, his fingers lacing through hers as they made their way toward the exit. Her skin was soft and warm against his, and he could feel the tension in her body starting to ease as they walked.

“You okay?” he asked, his voice low and gentle as they stepped out into the cool night air.

“Not really. I can’t believe Ryan would do something like this,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I trusted him. I looked up to him. And now … now I don’t know what to think.”

Mason squeezed her hand. He knew what it was like to be betrayed by someone you trusted, someone you thought was on your side. It was a pain that cut deep, and it never really went away.

“We’ll figure this out,” he said, his voice firm with conviction. “I promise. Let’s concentrate on taking Stenberg’s operation down. We can sort out Goshiro’s part later.”

Whether Goshiro really wanted to help them or not, the man’s future was shot. Avery had to know that. Still, no reason to pound that home now.

She smiled up at him, her eyes shining with gratitude and something else, something that made his heart skip a beat.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice sincere. “For everything. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this train wreck without you.”

Mason grinned, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of her hand. “You’d probably be a lot less stressed, for one thing,” he said, his voice teasing. “But hey, what’s life without a little excitement?”

Avery laughed, the sound of it like music to his ears. “With you around, I don’t think I’d ever have to worry about being bored,” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

She was strong, and brave, and beautiful. Together they could take on anything.

Even a dirty fed and a trucking operator with delusions of grandeur.

Speaking of said dirty fed, priority one when they got back to the mansion was a deeper dive into Ryan Goshiro’s story.

So far, they’d only gotten what Goshiro wanted them to find. That changed now.


Headphones in place,the beat of the music thumping through his skull, Mason pounded the heavy bag in Bridger’s trendy home gym like it owed him money. He’d been up all night, pouring over the files that Paige had dug up on Ryan Goshiro, and the more he read, the more his blood boiled. He’d been at it for over an hour, his muscles burning with exertion and his skin slick with sweat. But he couldn’t stop, not until he’d worked out every last ounce of rage and fury.

Whether Goshiro planned to help take down Rain Bay or not, the man was a liar and a cheat, and Mason was going to make sure he paid for his crimes, which were multiplying quickly.

Paige had finally heard back from the lab. All three pills were counterfeit. No huge surprise, but the evidence served to tighten the noose. Once they could prove that Rain Bay knowingly distributed fake meds, Avery could get a real investigation relaunched.

But first, he needed to work off some of the pent-up frustration and anger that had been building inside him all night. The gym was empty and quiet, save for the sound of his fists hitting the bag and the steady thump of his heart in his chest.

Finally, when his arms felt like lead and his lungs were screaming for air, he stepped back from the bag, his chest heaving with exertion. He grabbed a towel from the bench and wiped the sweat from his face, his mind already racing with plans for the day ahead.

It was time to get boots on the ground, to confirm or deny Goshiro’s sob story about being a gambler in debt to Stenberg. Thanks to Paige’s online sleuthing, Mason knew just where to start.

He headed upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. He needed to grab a quick shower and some breakfast, and then he’d track down Avery and Paul.

Half an hour later, he found Avery in the kitchen, nibbling on a piece of toast and looking like she hadn’t slept a wink either. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and there were dark circles under her eyes that even her makeup couldn’t hide.

“Eat fast,” he said, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl and peeling it with quick, efficient movements. “We’ve got work to do.”

She raised an eyebrow, her mouth full of toast. “And what work would that be?” she asked, her words muffled by the bread.

Mason grinned, taking a big bite of his banana. “We’re going to confirm the info I dug up on your SAC,” he said, his voice low and conspiratorial. “The team’s going to keep tabs on Stenberg, figure out the best way to keep tracking him. You and I are going to check out Goshiro’s story about being a gambler.”

Avery’s eyes widened, and she swallowed her toast with an audible gulp. “And how exactly are we going to do that?”

“Underground card room. We’re bringing Paul.”