“THE FUCK YOU WILL,”I roar—which is weird, because my voice also manages to hit an alto note, wrapping incredulity around every word. My shout is loud enough to shake the walls. I take a breath to tone it down. I fail. “YOU WILL NOT ASK SOME FUCKING ASSHOLE TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!”

Inara frowns for like two seconds, parsing out the meaning of my words, I think. Then she turns a scowl on me. “Don’t presume to tell me what I won’t do.” She rips off my flannel, exposing the sexywear again.And her bottoms.Whatarethose things? Besides the friggin’ most indecent apricot ruffly ‘covering’ I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Your brothers have had the right idea!” I insist, just winning me all the points with the woman who feels like she’s been smothered and repressed for far too long by those same brothers. “If I knew how to contact them, I’d SO be on the phone. You are NOT going to go out and ask a stranger to have sex! You could get murdered! You could end up trapped in a laboratory, and sweetheart, whoknowswhat they’d do to—”

Inara gets up from the couch. She’s quiet, but I can feel that she’s furious.

“Wait,” I say, so,sotoo late realizing that I needed to dial it back about three sentences ago into my impromptu speech. “Inara, please—just, hang on. Don’t leave, okay? I don’t have the first clue how to handle this, and I’m sorry for freaking out. Just... don’t walk out of here.”

She does stop, but she keeps her back to me. She whispers, “Why shouldn’t I?”

“I don’t want you to get hurt.”

She turns to me then. She searches my gaze with hers until I feel like she’s got my soul open on an operating table. “I want things, Matt. Things I intend to find. That’s why I came here—to find them with a man. Without the interference of my brothers or my family, I want to enjoy experiences with a man. Many experiences.”

Is it wrong that I do want her to find them with me? She was wearing my shirt. She’s sleeping in my bed, for fuck’s sake. Or will be, if I haven’t made her so mad she takes off to find some stranger. Some stranger who could hurt her.

She’s a gorgeous female being, and even if the concept of hot aliens being real is new to me, my body is all on board. If I’m being honest, my head would be too. If not for the fact that I’m this woman’s employer and gratis protector.

“If I hadn’t hired you, I’d take you up on your offer. Technically, you could not be giving me a greener light to take advantage of you right now—”

“It’s not taking advantage,” she assures me. “I came here for this almost specifically.”


“I wanted to see this world. But mostly, I want to have sex. I’m an adult woman with needs that I haven’t been allowed to satiate. My brothers were quick and too skilled at running off any male I managed to lure near me.”


Inara nods, not ashamed at all. “I did—I lured them. I hoped to snare a male and have sex.”

She’s adorable. An alien shouldn’t be this adorable. Especially when she’s admitting to schemes that probably ended up with her targets getting beaten bloody by her gladiator brothers.

But the beatings were probably worth it. She’s cute, she’s sweet, she’s hot. She also smells like sexy mornings, lazy ones, and my balls might actually be turning blue as we speak. I’m starting to ache, I’m so hard.

She wants me.

I want her.

I don’t want her to go to anyone else—let alone run the risk of finding someone who won’t treat her right.

Thing is, I don’t do ‘casual.’ I’ve never been a hook-up guy. I’m not built to be able to roll off a woman and walk away. When I’m with a woman, I’mwithher.

Inara continues unburdening herself about her failed luring attempts. She’s so innocently bewitching. “I had to go to some lengths for the males to brave our family den, to sneak them into my room—or try. I never quite managed it. I certainly never managed to successfully arrive at a bachelor male’s den for a tryst. In this day and age, it shouldn’t be so hard to slip free, but my brothers are awful.”

Sounds like they’re brilliant, but I won’t win theopinion of the year awardwith her if I share that thought, so I keep it to myself.

See? Sometimes I’m smart.

“Stay with me,” I tell her. “You’ll be safe here, and I’ll do whatever you want. Plus, your brothers aren’t here to beat me to death afterward.” My lips quirk. “So I’ll be safe too.”

Sometimes, I’m not smart at all.


She all but rushes me, excitement filling her face. “Can we have sex now?”

“Whoa, whoa—hold the firetruck.”