That one pleased little sound is like sexy nails raking up my back. In an instant, I’m on her. I catch her at the hips and start forcing her back towards my bedroom. To my bed, which is fitted with jet black sheets that are going to showcase her amazing peacock-blue self to perfection when I spread her wide and eat her on them.

What do I know about this woman?Besidesthe fact that I want her so desperately my dick has a heartbeat.She’s sweet. She’s fearless. She wants to experience new things and explore and be free.

And she likes me. She’s chosen me because she wants me.

Just like I want her.

My lips move over hers again, and she opens them for me, letting me in. And damn does she feel good. “You’re delicious,” I groan.

Against my skin, I feel the oddest sensation. Her scales are dragging against my face. I’ve never necked with another guy, but I imagine it might feel like this. Sort of… extra stubbly on my face. I brush against her more deliberately, nuzzling. It’s different, but it’s Inara. I can deal with some extra sensation on my skin. No big deal.

“Take this off,” she orders, claws snagging on the hem of my t-shirt.

Unwillingly breaking away from her mouth, I pull back only long enough to catch my shirt and yank it off as demanded. That she’s made the demand is one helluva a turn-on. And her hands on my skin… there should besteamwhere she’s touching me.

“Mmmm,”I growl against her lips.

Her tail thrashes wildly, knocking a book off my nightstand.

Apparently she digs it when I growl at her. I do it again as I lower us both to the bed, careful not to crowd her, positioning myself beside her instead.

Not that I need to worry. She’s into this—grabbing my shoulders, claws digging into my skin, sharing my breaths and making exciting little noises that are getting my cock even harder.

Frantically, she begins tearing at my clothes. It’s a little terrifying to feel drafts of air on my dick and realize I can feel them because the woman I’ve brought to my bed hasshredded the clothes from my body. As in sweatpants and boxers are gone. Toast. They’ve disappeared because she’s used herultra sharpclawsright over my wood.

Is my dick afraid? No, so clearly he’s a crazy bastard. I’m fucking throbbing for Inara harder than I was even a second ago. Apparently he has a thing for danger.

She raises up only enough to sweep her shorts down—OH MY LORD, THERE’S NOTHING UNDER THEM—WAS SHE PRANCING AROUND ME IN HERPANTIES?She sweeps her tongue into my mouth once, twice, testing—and then she pushes me to my back and climbs on top of me.

My hands slide to her thighs, which are shapely and so perfect I fall in love with them. The way they’re hugging my ribs,nghhh!

I feel her everywhere as she grinds herself on my stomach, her blue scales reflecting the light in the room, the sides of her ass dimpling, jiggly in the most perfect way. She surprises me, not because she’s riding my torso, but because she’s doing it and grinning down at me broadly, no self-consciousness.

And good Gorram. Her confidence is ultra sexy.

There’s not an ounce of insecurity in this creature who’s growling on top of me like a tiger, her alien eyes flashing as she meets my gaze. “I want you inside me,” she announces in her Porsche voice, all throaty vibration.

“I’m going to heaven,” I announce in a daze. “Right here. Right n—”

Inara scoots back so that she’s sitting on my dick. Heating it. Hugging it. Making it happy. And then she rolls her hips, sliding her bare kitty masterfully along my length.

I bellow hoarsely.

I might even quack. I’m not really sure how to classify the sounds I make as she figures out that she enjoys leaning forward so that her clit—yep, it’s blue, just a little lighter than the rest of her—drags over every vein in my throbbing cock. The heated spot between her thighs is doing a good job of slicking the contact between us, dripping sexy webs of sticky girl-cum all over my prick as she rocks back and forth.

Hotdamnshe’s good. You know the vehicle they use to launch rockets into outer space? It’s called the Falcon 9 Full Thrust, and if I didn’t already have a raging hard-on, Inara’s belly dance as she gets herself off on me would do the trick.

Her tits are swaying in my face, and neither her first cami or her second is doing athingto conceal the fact that her nipples are begging for attention behind the flimsy fabric. My hands grip her ass cheeks so hard I have to be in danger of giving her bruises. I force my fingers to relax, caressing her skin instead of gripping, telling myself I need to calm down. No matter how wild Inara is, no matter how worked up I’m feeling, I don’t need to be rough with her.Man up and bear it, Matt.

Yeah, not gonna lie: this is thebesthardest thing I’ve ever done. Hell, it’s the hardest I’ve ever been.

Somehow, I’ll survive.

Inara leans over me, resting her forehead against mine, her dreads falling around us like a curtain of ropes. Thick and braid-like, they sting everywhere they snap against me, but the little bites of pain only heighten my excitement. I groan and cup the flare of her hips, forcing my hands along her sides, rucking up her flirtatious little camis until they ride above her breasts.

I catch them, cupping them in my hands, and she flattens her body along the length of mine, leaning into the contact. Her nipples are small diamond points in my palms. She slides her hands between us, her scaled skin and clawtips catching on my chest hair. She rocks her hips in a rhythm that makes her breath grow coarser.

My own breath is jagged. Jagged, and painful, and glorious. My lungs are singing like I’ve run ten miles. My vision is so sharp, I know my pupils must be huge. I have to look like a hunting cat right now.