“I’m certain that your lessons were fun as well.” Liam patted my shoulder.

I quirked a brow but said nothing.

Moira clicked her tongue. “I applaud your strength, Liam. You didn’t even ask what the lessons were about this time. That’s progress.”

The tips of Liam’s ears turned pink, and he turned away from Moira, ignoring her. “Are you hiding from your uncle again?” he asked.

I winced as my gaze flicked to the door. “Is it that obvious?”

“Only because he asked us to look for you,” Liam said apologetically.

I groaned and allowed my head to dip to my collarbone. “Can’t I braid your hair and send you instead, Liam?”

His eyes sparkled. “You can always braid my hair.” He winked. “As much as I would love to go in your place, the king was rather explicit that you were needed.”

Moira coughed spluttering enough bubbles to hide her face as she smoothed down her hair.

Liam ignored her. “Come on, I promised Jack I’d get you to your uncle.”

“Oisin?” I cocked my head to the side.

Moira waved the bubbles away. “Such a good lackey.”

“Oisin,” Liam asserted. “He’s one of the guards.”

I groaned. “Fine. Lead the way.” Taking a moment to put the cover back onto the sea glass mirror.*

Liam responded with a bright smile and gestured for Moira and me to walk in front.

I glanced back once at the black mirror. The cover hid its face and whatever lay behind the glass.

It wasn’t until we were out of earshot of the silvers that Moira spoke again, looping her arm through the crook of my elbow.

“Do you think the king wants to discuss the celebration tonight?” Moira tapped her chin thoughtfully.

I shuddered. “Possibly.”

“Aren’t you looking forward to the celebrations?” Moira urged. “The dresses, the dancing. Thedrinks!”

“I’m more worried about what comes after the celebrations,” I muttered.

If Moira heard me, she didn’t show it. “Aren’t you excited, Liam? It’s going to be fabulous.”

“You called the new mare in the palace stables fabulous if I recall,” Liam retorted; his tone filled with boredom and edged with scorn.

Moira frowned. “What is with you today?”

Liam shook his head. “Nothing.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “Nerves.”

Moira’s eyes narrowed before accepting his answer; she sniffed and turned away. “The new mareisfabulous.”

“Well, if it’sfabulous….” I teased.

Moira’s eyes took on a mischievous sparkle.

Liam’s eyes widened as he read the thought on our faces. “No, you don’t,” he growled. “We have to go see the Keeper. He is expecting you!”

Moira and I exchanged glares. Without saying a word, we sprung into action on the count of three—racing down the hallway. Laughing as Liam chased both of us, the beads in my hair clacking together as my braid bounced off my back.