The song started off slowly but quickly began to bump.
The objective of Beatsaber was to use both controllers as if they were dual swords and to swipe/cut the boxes that flew at your body in time with the beat. Some songs were simple, some not so much.
I had used a greenscreen for my videos, filming my body as I did the routine and then superimposing on the platform/landscape of the game in post. However, the crowd could see exactly what I could in VR on the television
I could hear the umms and ahh’s over the music as I sliced every single box into pieces in time to the music. Adding my signature skirt swish and foot bopping.
It was fun to move my body. I hadn’t realized how much I had needed it until the controllers were in my hands.
Once the song was over, it was with a heavy heart that I removed the headset and handed it over for someone else to give it a go.
My eyes immediately connected with Rome’s on the other side of the sectional as he lifted the joint to his mouth and took a long drag. He didn’t look away, and I stood, locked in some kind of stand-off that I didn’t understand.
If I didn’t know better, Rome looked almost proud of me. A feeling rose in my chest, and I was Alice falling down the rabbit hole.
One of the girls tapped him on the shoulder, and Rome turned, taking another drag of his joint.
The spell was broken.
That didn’t explain the weird territorial feeling that lingered in my chest and screamed at me to go over there, but I hadn’t felt right in my skin since I had put it on—something I hoped would settle with time.
“That was impressive.” Someone came up behind me as I stepped away from the entertainment unit.
It was the guy that had invited me to play, blond hair, nice teeth, and a nerdy T-shirt with the words‘ask me about my RAM’. He gave me a massive smile that I couldn’t help but return.
“You’re good.” He told me. “Great, even. Have you thought about going pro?”
My lips pulled to the side to hide my own smile. “You think so?” I asked innocently.
He nodded earnestly before getting flustered. “I’m Todd.”
“Hi, Todd.” My smile broadened. “I’m Vale—” I stopped myself. “Just Vallie.”
“Nice to meet you, just Vallie.” Todd held out his hand for me to shake.
“Is this a job interview?” I laughed.
“Am I that awkward?” Todd scratched the side of his neck.
I shook my head and ignored his question. “How do you know the guys? Are you...” God, I didn’t know how to ask discretely if Todd was a Reaper.
“Are we friends?” Todd finished my sentence for me; even though he chose a word I did not intend to use, I was thankful for his ignorance. “Not really. I work down at the reception desk, and everyone knows that room 3603 has the best parties.”
“This is a regular thing then?” I asked.
Todd nodded. “Oh yeah. These four have been long-term residents since before I started working here.” He told me. “Hotels don’t usually allow for such long-term guests. They come with residency laws and shit, but Maddox Pierce owns the suite, and he lets the others stay.”
I took a moment to look around the party as I digested the information.
“How do you know the guys?” Todd asked when I didn’t speak.
I shrugged and gave him a smile. “Followed the crowd,” I lied, and my nose twitched.
“You want to get out of here?” Todd returned my easy smile.
It would be so easy to say yes. To throw my heartache into something sweaty and carnal—something destructive and meaningless, but fun just the same.
“Or we could get a drink?” Todd suggested.