Page 165 of Finders Reapers

I didn’t know why, but I did. So, I nodded.

Rome’s lip twitched into a smile, pulling the scar on his jaw to the side. “Are you willing to try?”

I had no idea what he meant, but I could smell him. Cologne, tobacco, and vanilla. I could feel the warmth of his skin, and as his hands gripped mine, my body was alive in ways that I did not understand.

Any pain was gone. Healed.

Maybe Iwasa demon. Even though I had no idea what that meant.

Before I could ask Rome what he planned, he reached up and tangled his hand in my hair, pulling me towards him. His lips pressed against mine for a split second before his tongue pressed against my mouth.

Our kiss tasted like blood and peppermint.

I wasalive.

Unable to control myself, I reached out like a scrambling animal clawing him closer to me as I tried to climb his body. Rome chuckled against my lips as his hands let go of mine, and he reached for my waist. He gripped my hips as he pulled my body towards his.

“Rome.” I breathed, but my words were stolen by his mouth.

Footsteps signaled the approach of another one of the guys, and I had no idea what they were planning, but after years of yearning. Of breaking. Of desperation—I was finally getting everything I had ever wanted. All I’d had to do was steal a body.

I thanked whatever cosmic force had decided to heal my stolen body, as Rome’s hands dove under my shirt, and I shivered against his touch. My every nerve ending was alive and begging for more.

I recognized Fletcher’s chuckle as he approached. I felt my hair being swept off my neck as a pair of lips pressed against the back of my neck. I twitched, throwing my head back as I bit back a groan. I had no idea why the spot at the back of my neck had inspired such a reaction, but I was greedy. I’d had literal years to think about how I wanted to fuck each of the guys, and I planned to take full advantage of each and every one of them.

With that thought, I craned my neck and looked over Rome’s shoulder at Jamal and Maddox, who watched as the two others pressed into me. Their gaze’s dark and their bodies rigid.

“Should we move to the bedroom?” I pulled my lip between my teeth as my eyes flicked to Rome’s.

His smile was as sharp as a scythe. “Da.” He replied in Russian.

As if he had been waiting for permission, Maddox reached for his shirt and pulled it over his head, and threw it across the room. He knew he had my full attention as I took in his broad chest and his defined muscles, leading down to a V that pointed to his crotch like a neon sign.

My throat went dry.

As if he knew the effect he had on me, Maddox sauntered towards his bedroom. Drawing attention to his round ass as he glanced over his shoulder. “Are you coming?” He quirked a brow.

My smile stretched until it took over my face. I moved forward, forgetting that Rome and Fletcher were pressed against my front and back. Before I could get any further, I let out a shriek as Fletcher wrapped his arms around my middle and lifted me off my feet. I kicked out, and he let out a laugh as he carried me over his shoulder to Maddox’s bedroom.

Jamal grabbed the abandoned Vodka bottle that sat on the bar. Rome stole it from his hand and tipped it back, taking a hearty slug. I watched the muscles in Rome’s throat as he downed almost half the bottle before he passed it back to Jamal and clapped the British man on the back.

There was no fight from me to get me into Maddox’s bedroom—I was entirely in the moment. Desperate to have each of the men before whatever magic ran out and my carriage turned into a pumpkin.

I giggled as Fletcher dropped me on the King-sized bed in the center of the room.

I looked up, and all four of the guys surrounded the bed. Looking down at me like I was a feast.

“What’s going on?” I said with a laugh.

“We’re going to make the soulbond stronger.” Jamal’s lip twitched, revealing a flash of his pearly white teeth.

I had no idea what he was talking about. Not really.

Jamal put his knee on the bed, crawling onto the mattress and towards me like a cat. His dark eyes filled with hunger. I sat back, resting on my elbows, until eventually, I was under him, as his hips pressed me into the mattress, and I had no choice but to part my legs and make him at home there. Jamal reached for my throat, his hand skimming my collarbone as he pulled the spaghetti straps of the bloody camisole over my shoulder, one after the other.

Jamal leaned forward and kissed the side of my neck as he eased my top over my breasts and cupped them with his hand.

The mattress lowered as Maddox climbed onto the bed. Jamal shifted his hips, leaving my knees parted as if they were performing a choreographed dance. Jamal continued to lavish my breasts with teasing kisses as my nipples beaded, exposed to the cool air.