Page 15 of Finders Reapers

“Yes.” Rome didn’t elaborate.

The elevator stopped, and the word wardrobe flashed over the ticker tape reel, signaling that we had reached our destination.

Rome and Fletcher stepped out, and I followed.

I didn’t know what I expected from a department named ‘Wardrobe.’ Maybe some clothing rails and shoe racks.

The room looked more like an arcane laboratory. There were no windows, and the lights overhead shone red, making the room look like the entrance hall to a scare attraction.

The door was covered in strange sigils and marks. Circles and slashes that had been carved into the concrete. The edges of the lines puckered like they had been made by hand with a tool instead of a laser cutter.

Rome and Fletcher didn’t seem bothered by the BDSM dungeon, but I was.

I felt something for the first time since I had woken up in the desert. A tingle from my insubstantial spine to my toes as we passed over the demonic marks on the floor.

Rome opened the door at the end, and we walked deeper into the hellscape.

The next room had mirrors hanging from the ceiling like Christmas ornaments, slowly spinning. Cracks in the walls, where fragranced herbs poked through. Thriving even with the lack of natural sunlight.

We passed through another door. The same red lights and darkness, but a single desk sat in the center of the room, with a chair in front. Both seats were occupied.

I noticed the man with his back turned to us first. He was taller than any man I had ever seen before, with broad shoulders hunched apologetically as if he hated his height. I could only see the back of his head, but his hair was shorn close to the scalp. I couldn’t see the color because of the red lights.

“I’m sorry, Maddox, but I can’t. I can only assign bodies when the order comes from one of the higher-ups.” An effeminate voice murmured from behind the desk. The large man did not reply.

Rome cleared his throat.

“A moment.” The man behind the desk called out.

The behemoth of a man tilted at the waist and shot us a glance before straightening when he caught sight of Rome and Fletcher. He stood up so fast that it was a wonder that his chair didn’t fall back. The large man, Maddox, growled in frustration and marched towards the door as if he would tear Rome and Fletcher limb from limb.

His eyes glinted like chips of ice, and despite his large size, he moved like a silent snake. Sharp edges, broad jaw, and almond-shaped eyes. His skin was tan, but I got the impression he wasn’t Caucasian. Everything about Maddox was severe. He drew my attention enough that I filed his name away in my memory, for if we ever saw each other again.

Both men jumped out of the way as Maddox tore out of the office.

The man behind the desk lifted a hand and waved us forward with a sprinkling of his manicured fingers. The nails were longer than my fingers and tipped with pink polish and an assortment of rhinestones. Made up like an extra fromEuphoriaand an attitude to match. “I haven’t got all day.” The man called out. “Some of us do have lives outside of this place.”

I stepped forward, but Rome and Fletcher didn’t. I turned to see why but the man behind the desk cleared his throat.

“Don’t mind them, Ms. Rossi. You come take a seat.” He said in a southern twang. “My name is Oriax. You can call me Ollie. I’m here to get you fitted for a new suit today. Mr. Charon and Mr. Bub sent down the order with a side order of ASAP.”

I couldn’t help but smile at Ollie. He seemed friendly, and I needed something like that.

“That’s what I like to see.” Ollie matched my smile. “I’m afraid you’re not going to be doing too much of that in a minute, sister.”

My eyes widened, but Ollie continued before I could ask what he meant.

“See, you’re a soul at the moment. Souls aren’t known to be too emotional. You don’t have most of your most recent memories either.” Ollie explained before waving towards the seat in front of his desk. “I’m afraid that’s going to change the moment I stuff you inside of a body.”

My nose wrinkled. “Do I getmybody back?”

“Oh, honey.” Ollie shook his head. “Sorry, but no. Reapers aren’t human, but they aren’t demonic either. The meta-physics of it are hard to explain. Those two bozos will be able to teach you how to use your body better than I can.”

Someone snickered. I thought it was Fletcher.

I ignored him and kept my eyes fixed on Ollie.

“Are you a Reaper?” I asked.