Page 11 of Finders Reapers

“I’m an expert at hiding my emotions,” I retorted, lifting both brows.

Charon gave me a long look.

“Whowas that?” I frowned before holding up a hand. “And don’t say Mr. Bub.”

“Mr. Bub has been overseeing some of the operations since the Devil's unforeseen hiatus.” Charon stepped forward and picked up my file from his desk. “I wouldn’t worry about it. I tend to think of him as more of a silent executive. Truth be told, if we didn’t require the magic of one of the Hell Sovereign to keep the archways open, I doubt he’d even be allowed in the building.”

“Hell sovereign?” I squeaked. “Like... A demon king?”

“That is what those words mean,” Charon replied dryly. “I despair for the American education system if this is the result.”

“Are you always so rude?”

“It’s not my job to sugarcoat things. I’m not a baker.” Charon tapped his fingers against the file. “Acquisitions.” He declared without context. “I wasn’t joking about the paperwork. If you’re going to be a Reaper, we have to get you set up.”

My eyes rounded. “What does that even mean?” I demanded, unable to keep my thoughts to myself. “What the fuck is acquisitions? If there’s no space in Hell, heaven, or wherever, just send me home. You can do that, right? Wave a wand and raise the dead?”

Charon blinked slowly. The movement was off because one lid closed half a second before the other. He inhaled, and his nostrils flared. “You’re grossly overestimating your important in the grand scheme of things.”

“I’m going to be a Reaper?” I echoed. “Like, Dark cloak and scythe?”

Charon bit back a laugh. “You don’t get a scythe until I can trust you with it.”

I glanced to the side. “I don’t know if I want to do this,” I admitted.

Charon shrugged. “I can always send you to the ether.” He reminded me.

“I didn’t think you were serious about that.”

“The ether.” He nodded. “Your soul will be torn into a million pieces and scattered into the universe.”

Charon nodded when he saw that I was suitably horrified.

“Come on.” He sighed. “I don’t have all day.”

Chapter 2

Maybe it was my abundance of daddy issues, but I followed Charon like a puppy dog as he led me back through the main floor of the office.

I wasn’t the kind of person that bit back questions. In fact, I had been told more than once that I needed to learn to read the room—with that in mind, I kept my mouth shut as I wondered if being a Reaper was it for me. Was it the best I could hope for?

My father had sold my soul after all. I should have been thankful that I wasn’t chained to some demonic throne in a revealing bikini.

What did being a Reaper even mean? Were there promotions for that sort of gig? Would I be given wings and a one-way ticket up to heaven with Juiceworld and Kate Spade if I did a good job?

I tried to channel my Nonno.Andrà tutto bene, vedrai!

Everything will be fine. You can only solve the problem in front of you. He used to say.

When I came out of my thoughts, I realized that Charon was halfway across the office. I hadn’t even noticed that I was hovering in the center of the room and staring into space. I jolted when I came back to myself.

“What wasthat?” I murmured.

One of the women at a desk cleared her throat. “Souls find it difficult to focus.” She explained. “You should go after him. You don’t want to get left behind.”

“Thanks,” I tried to smile, but it came out as a wince.

Charon didn’t seem in any hurry to call the elevator as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned on the wall beside the button panel. His chin was tilted as he scanned the main floor, drifting from group to group like a king studying his kingdom.