Page 60 of Finders Reapers

Curiosity got the better of me, and I brought up YouTube after debating for about a minute.

I was used to being on the front page, but somehow, seeing my own face reflected back at me with thumbnails of police tape and the Las Vegas sign was too surreal to even begin to unpack.

I scrolled down until I found the gaming tab. Cody had uploaded a video. The thumbnail was a tear-streaked photo of my ex-boyfriend's face without any flashy graphics. The title was simply ‘My girlfriend is dead.’ It looked like a lousy apology video in the making, and I didn’t need to click it to find out what he had said about me.

Maybe Cody was sad that I had died—in his own way.

I couldn’t bring myself to feel anything other than heartburn for the rat.

I was so tempted to go into the comments and start flaming with news of Pomerella and Cody’s new relationship and how suspicious it was.

As my nonna would say:

Hai voluto la bicicletta? E Adesso pedala!

Cody had made his bed, and he had to lie in it.

I wasn’t sure how long I scrolled through the trending tab before a gentle knock sounded out at my door.

I looked up just as Fletcher poked his head around. His expression was as free and open as always, with no sign of pity, even though he had literally just delivered the news that my death was caused by some unknown demon, and the killer was still out there.

“You okay?” Fletcher cocked his head to the side.

I groaned and sat back in the bed. “Jamal told you about the whole—” I waved my hand in front of my face, “—crying thing?”

Fletcher gave me a jaunty grin. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He replied as if butter couldn’t melt.

“Did you decide what kind of demon leaves a bite mark like that?” I asked.

Fletcher shrugged as he pushed his way into the room and shut the door behind him with a quiet snick. “I would ask for your expertise, but I think the only demon you’ve ever met is Ollie.”

“I can’t believe that someone killed me,” I murmured. “Peoplelikedme.”

Fletcher shook his head, and his hair flopped into his eyes. “Did you have a stalker? It’s not unheard for people to make deals with demons.”

“Like my dad when he sold my soul?” I reached back and fluffed my cushion, patting the side of the bed. Fletcher took my invitation and sat down.

“Come on, I’ve seen you naked. You can sit next to me. I promise I don’t have cooties,” I stuck my tongue out.

“Ha!” He barked a laugh, reaching for my tongue before I sucked it back into my mouth, just a child playing a game.

I swatted him away.

“Your dad really did you dirty.” Fletcher winced in sympathy. “Were there any clues he’d done something like this?”

“What?” I laughed dryly. “Like, a man with red skin and horns coming out of my father’s office?”

“Baphomet-kin have the head of a goat, so you’re not too far off.”

My eyes widened.

“You didn’t answer my question.” Fletcher nudged my shoulder.

“What question was that?”

“Are you okay?” He asked, his brows lowered in concern.

I forced a smile, but it didn’t feel authentic. “I’m fine. I’ll be fine. I just have to adjust to this new life, that’s all.”