Page 135 of Finders Reapers

Jamal shifted uneasily. “Maddox isn’t himself right now. He’s looking for someone to blame for Richard’s death. He’s been focussed on finding out who’s behind all this unease at HQ that he can’t see that he’s losing it.”

“I forgot about Richard,” I whispered, gripping the fabric of my shirt over where my heart should be. “He thinks Mr. Bub killed Richard?”

“Richard died from an overdose of Gorge,” Jamal said. “Didn’t Maddox tell you?”

I shook my head.

“Even if Mr. Bub isn’t behind the mass deaths going on in Las Vegas, Maddox has put a target on the Gluttony king's head.” Jamal brushed over the grain of his short hair. “Gorge is demon blood, and the blood that killed Richard belonged to Beelzebub himself.”

My hand flew to my mouth, and I couldn’t say anything.

Jamal’s phone rang. He looked at me for permission, but when he saw I was in no state to speak, he reached into his pocket and answered. “Alright?” He said before listening for a moment. “Shit.”

Jamal stared down at his phone for a moment after the call ended.

“Maddox has gone after Beelzebub.” Jamal closed his eyes before he rubbed his hand down his face. Broken. “You should go back to Las Vegas. We’ll handle it from here, Valentina.”

I scoffed, pulling away. “Right.”

Jamal shot me a questioning glance.

“Off to save the day, without me. Off to do whatever it is you’ve been tasked to do,without me,” Iwaved my hand over my shoulder. “Justgo. I don’t need any more reminders that I’m not part of this team.”

Conflict pressed Jamal’s lips together as his shoulders turned, but his body remained planted. As if he couldn’t decide whether to leave or stay.

I made the decision for him.

“Maddox has decided to confront the King of Gluttony,” I reminded him. “You’ve got to go.”

“Fletcher and Rome have gone with him,” Jamal replied.

I nodded but said nothing.

I saw the moment he made up his mind. Jamal stepped forward, his finger on my chin as he tilted my face to meet his. He leaned into me but did not kiss my lips—he kissed my forehead.

“You be good.” Jamal smiled against my skin.

I didn’t smile back.

I didn’t say a word.

Chapter 17

After Jamal walked away, the first thing I did was phone Fletcher and Rome.

Surely, Maddox wouldn’t be stupid enough to confront Mr. Bub directly.

I understood his reaction to my betrayal and the knowledge that Mr. Bub had been visiting me behind their backs—but I didn’t understand why Maddox had rushed to confront a literal demon king. Yes, he should have been battening down the hatches if he truly believed that I had spilled whatever secrets he thought I had. Maddox should have been doing damage control instead of running headfirst into a confrontation with a demon that, by his own admission, could make a Reaper piss themselves in fear just by looking at them.

I tried a few times on my cell, with no response. Pacing the reception like a crazy person in the middle of the night. Neither of the guys answered.

I had no idea what to do.

I had a credit card and a phone—which by my own standards, I was ready to take on the world.

I should have been making arrangements, but I had no idea how.

The office block was located in the Mojave Desert, almost three hours outside of Las Vegas.