Page 8 of Rhubarb 2 Go

Crap, I did…

My eyes widened when not a second later Burke rushed the stage while Tim and Maximus darted for the door, their sneakered feet hardly touching wood.

I blew out a breath as the door banged shut, leaving me alone with Burke and my pole.My gaze dropped to his crotch—and his big ass balls.I swallowed and rubbed my tingly palms down my oil slicked skin, ignoring the obvious stalk situation in my shorts.

Burke’s gaze followed the move and my heart beat a little faster as I slid my hands to the waistband of my tiny shorts.Back was that hungry look.

Yeah… I could work with that… maybe.

I grinned cheekily.“You ever ridden a pole?”I asked sweetly, my rhubarb custard smell going a little crazy.

I was a beta.I had double the custard.My slick and cum were both a custard delight.I mean, I hoped they were.I’d not shared them with anyone, so I could only play the guessing game on that score.If my mate liked lots of custard, then he was in for a surprise if he ever got close to my ass, which I’d offer if that was what he wanted.Hell, he could have all of me.But how to say that aloud without looking like the dork-stalk of the town?I hadn’t quite figured that out yet, beyond dancing my way around his balls.

I eyed the bull, who was staring at me with a look I totally couldn’t read and hadn’t answered me.“Have you?”I asked again.

“Yep… no… sort of,” he replied, back to being all pink, glowing, and adorable.

“So, is that a yes?”I asked, frowning, trying to work out if this was some form of bull code.Give all the answers, and one of them was bound to be right?

His hands waved in the air.“I got a pole and tried it.”

How cute.“You did?”I exclaimed excitedly.I slung my arm around his shoulders, feeling the need to touch when I got a dose of Burke’s rhubarb smell.It was sweeter than mine and I wanted to lick him to find out if he was tasty everywhere.“How about I stand against my pole and you show me your moves?”When he didn’t answer, I kept my sigh to myself and kept going.“That way I can give pointers and could catch you, help with limb placement.”Yeah, like limb placement was what I wanted to help him with.

“How would that work?”he asked, sounding more breathless than he had a moment ago.

Was he excited?

I let him go and placed my back against the pole, spreading my legs, I wrapped my arms around the pole above my head, stretching myself to my full length, giving him one of my brightest smiles.“Climb me like you climbed your pole,” I encouraged, feeling giddy at the thought of him climbing up me and his balls touching my oiled skin.

He made a kind of squealing noise that didn’t sound too healthy.

Had I said the wrong thing?Was my position off?

I looked down and blushed at how my cock tented my shorts in a way that looked as if it was trying to poke its way out the top of the band.


“It’s a handhold to help you get your balance,” I blurted out like the total dork-stalk I was.Who said shit like this?


Chapter Six


I couldn’t take my eyes from his lickable stalk, I mean pole, I mean handhold.For bovine’s sake, I didn’t want to climb any pole except his.Didn’t he get that?I wanted to sink to my knees and take him in my mouth.I couldn’t focus on anything except the flushed head of the dick poking out the top of his gorgeous, tight shorts.

I licked my lips, chewed on the inside of my cheek, just staring at his dick.I wanted to take it down to the back of my throat.


“Huh?”The smell of custard had kinda distracted me, amongst other things.It really needed to go with my rhubarb any which way I could get it.

“You can climb me like a pole,” Ricky suggested.

I stared at him, horrified.“I couldn’t do that.I’d break you.”

Ricky snorted, then shook his head.“I’m stronger than I look, teeny—”